
Tuesday, February 19

Snort Drinking Game by Erek Adams

Today I went looking for the "Snort Drinking Game". A joke made by Erek Adams, who, unfortunately for all those involved with Snort and his family + friends, passed away last October. So, in honor of Erek, I repost HIS drinking game here. I did NOT make it, this is EREK's. However, the game is getting a bit hard to find (only via the WayBack machine was I able to find it), now that Erek's servers are gone.

So, in honor of him I've found it and placed it here, plus we've updated it:

1 comment:

snort - said...

[...] ada document install snort with acid on RH7.3. Very detail aku install pakai guide tu laa. ...Snort Drinking Game by Erek Adams | FinshakeToday I went looking for the Snort Drinking Game. A joke made by Erek Adams, who, unfortunately for [...]