So it's quite interesting to see him in a suit and tie.

If it were anyone else, it wouldn't be news. This was to see Al Gore receive his Nobel Peace Prize.
Steve, you're the man. Wear what you want big guy.
UPDATE: Found this picture of him in full dress.

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The expression on his face seems to say, "I think I'll wring Al's neck with this tie they're making me wear."
uhh yeah, it's called style. The quintessential difference between Pc and Mac.
A CEO that's able to dress up or down and be comfortable in both.
"I should be up there accepting my Nobel prize for the friggin' iPhone! Global warming .... yeah, whatever!"
But, you notice, he didn't bother to shave.
He looks good in a tie. I like it.
wow. I'm blown away by the interestingness...
I'm not surprised by the tie, I'm surprised by the NAME TAG ! He left it on !
"Here Mr Jobs, this is your name tag, so people can… hum… know who you are."
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