Link here
Apparently this dude got off of the train and went to his car only to find a 15,000.00 ring sitting in a seat with a note. The note read:
"Merry Christmas. Thank you for leaving your car door unlocked. Instead of stealing your car I gave you a present. Hopefully this will land in the hands of someone you love, for my love is gone now. Merry Christmas to you."
Bullhonkey. First of all, why would some dude just thank someone for leaving the car door unlocked. Did this apparently Rich man just sleep there in this random dude's car for the night? in Boston? Freezing his butt off without heat?
Why would someone that could afford to buy a 15,000 ring for his engagement need to sleep in a car? BS. BS. BS.
Friday, December 16
Idiot gets prize for leaving door unlocked.
Link here
Apparently this dude got off of the train and went to his car only to find a 15,000.00 ring sitting in a seat with a note. The note read:
"Merry Christmas. Thank you for leaving your car door unlocked. Instead of stealing your car I gave you a present. Hopefully this will land in the hands of someone you love, for my love is gone now. Merry Christmas to you."
Bullhonkey. First of all, why would some dude just thank someone for leaving the car door unlocked. Did this apparently Rich man just sleep there in this random dude's car for the night? in Boston? Freezing his butt off without heat?
Why would someone that could afford to buy a 15,000 ring for his engagement need to sleep in a car? BS. BS. BS.
Apparently this dude got off of the train and went to his car only to find a 15,000.00 ring sitting in a seat with a note. The note read:
"Merry Christmas. Thank you for leaving your car door unlocked. Instead of stealing your car I gave you a present. Hopefully this will land in the hands of someone you love, for my love is gone now. Merry Christmas to you."
Bullhonkey. First of all, why would some dude just thank someone for leaving the car door unlocked. Did this apparently Rich man just sleep there in this random dude's car for the night? in Boston? Freezing his butt off without heat?
Why would someone that could afford to buy a 15,000 ring for his engagement need to sleep in a car? BS. BS. BS.
Wednesday, December 14 Top Worldwide Top Worldwide
The Holocaust a myth. Okay.. I've read several artiicles on this subject. None of which convince me more than the all the PICTURES I've seen of the holocaust and it's effects. Plus all the true to life stories.
The Holocaust a myth. Okay.. I've read several artiicles on this subject. None of which convince me more than the all the PICTURES I've seen of the holocaust and it's effects. Plus all the true to life stories.
Microsoft/MTV Urge users to ditch iTunes -
Microsoft/MTV Urge users to ditch iTunes -
Microsoft can't let anyone compete with them, they always have to make a competing product. Because if MS doesn't make it, it's not worth anything.
To that I say, Up yours Microsoft. You know, I have hated MS for a long time, I refuse to buy their products, and I encourage all that I meet to do the same. I run 1 Windows machine in my house, and the only reason that I do is so that I can change my pay options (which require IE).
MS is cold, exacting, and heartless. Unfair and competitive. It's not like Microsoft is not making enough money as it is. Microsoft has so much money it could buy the presidency. Microsoft is so rich, and so utterly maniacal they can't help just bashing everyone that makes a competing product.
Apple invented the iPod. They didn't invent the Mp3 player. They didn't invent the music store. They invented a seamless and utterly simple user experience. Apple thinks years ahead of the competition. Their user interface on their OS, website, Music Store, and their iPod is unparalled. MTV, of course, is going to be a fanboy of MS. They have no choice. But this article kinda cinches the deal for me. I, for one, am going to boycott MS & MTV.
Anyone with me?
Microsoft can't let anyone compete with them, they always have to make a competing product. Because if MS doesn't make it, it's not worth anything.
To that I say, Up yours Microsoft. You know, I have hated MS for a long time, I refuse to buy their products, and I encourage all that I meet to do the same. I run 1 Windows machine in my house, and the only reason that I do is so that I can change my pay options (which require IE).
MS is cold, exacting, and heartless. Unfair and competitive. It's not like Microsoft is not making enough money as it is. Microsoft has so much money it could buy the presidency. Microsoft is so rich, and so utterly maniacal they can't help just bashing everyone that makes a competing product.
Apple invented the iPod. They didn't invent the Mp3 player. They didn't invent the music store. They invented a seamless and utterly simple user experience. Apple thinks years ahead of the competition. Their user interface on their OS, website, Music Store, and their iPod is unparalled. MTV, of course, is going to be a fanboy of MS. They have no choice. But this article kinda cinches the deal for me. I, for one, am going to boycott MS & MTV.
Anyone with me? Top Worldwide Top Worldwide
The Holocaust a myth. Okay.. I've read several artiicles on this subject. None of which convince me more than the all the PICTURES I've seen of the holocaust and it's effects. Plus all the true to life stories.
The Holocaust a myth. Okay.. I've read several artiicles on this subject. None of which convince me more than the all the PICTURES I've seen of the holocaust and it's effects. Plus all the true to life stories.
Microsoft/MTV Urge users to ditch iTunes -
Microsoft/MTV Urge users to ditch iTunes -
Microsoft can't let anyone compete with them, they always have to make a competing product. Because if MS doesn't make it, it's not worth anything.
To that I say, Up yours Microsoft. You know, I have hated MS for a long time, I refuse to buy their products, and I encourage all that I meet to do the same. I run 1 Windows machine in my house, and the only reason that I do is so that I can change my pay options (which require IE).
MS is cold, exacting, and heartless. Unfair and competitive. It's not like Microsoft is not making enough money as it is. Microsoft has so much money it could buy the presidency. Microsoft is so rich, and so utterly maniacal they can't help just bashing everyone that makes a competing product.
Apple invented the iPod. They didn't invent the Mp3 player. They didn't invent the music store. They invented a seamless and utterly simple user experience. Apple thinks years ahead of the competition. Their user interface on their OS, website, Music Store, and their iPod is unparalled. MTV, of course, is going to be a fanboy of MS. They have no choice. But this article kinda cinches the deal for me. I, for one, am going to boycott MS & MTV.
Anyone with me?
Microsoft can't let anyone compete with them, they always have to make a competing product. Because if MS doesn't make it, it's not worth anything.
To that I say, Up yours Microsoft. You know, I have hated MS for a long time, I refuse to buy their products, and I encourage all that I meet to do the same. I run 1 Windows machine in my house, and the only reason that I do is so that I can change my pay options (which require IE).
MS is cold, exacting, and heartless. Unfair and competitive. It's not like Microsoft is not making enough money as it is. Microsoft has so much money it could buy the presidency. Microsoft is so rich, and so utterly maniacal they can't help just bashing everyone that makes a competing product.
Apple invented the iPod. They didn't invent the Mp3 player. They didn't invent the music store. They invented a seamless and utterly simple user experience. Apple thinks years ahead of the competition. Their user interface on their OS, website, Music Store, and their iPod is unparalled. MTV, of course, is going to be a fanboy of MS. They have no choice. But this article kinda cinches the deal for me. I, for one, am going to boycott MS & MTV.
Anyone with me?
Sunday, December 11
A Serendipitous Intention » Blog Archive » Dating an Apple Developer
A Serendipitous Intention » Blog Archive » Dating an Apple Developer
I like to think that behind every good developer there is a good woman. No. A great woman. It takes a special breed to put up with the stuff that comes along with dating a computer nerd. Those of you who have ever been with a hard core geek know what I’m talking about. Some day I think it would be easier to date one of those guys who hangs out at the golf course all day with his buddies drinking beer.
This weekend I drove up from Nashville to see Justin. I knew he was busy with a Web development project, but I have dealt with that stuff before so it was no big deal. This particular project was for the Rails Day contest. This contest went from midnight on Friday to midnight on Saturday. While he was working I did some MacZealots work, caught up on sleep, cleaned the apartment and did the laundry. While I was folding some shirts I got to thinking about what life with a developer is like. I thought I would share my thoughts with you.
I started pondering this while I was doing the laundry because I noticed that 9 out of the 10 t-shirts I was folding were development or Mac related. Just to give you a general idea of what I’m talking about (and the embarrassment I have to deal with when we go out in public) let me describe a few of them. First, I ran across one that read “Steve Jobs is my homeboy.” Then there was the one that said “I am blogging this.” Next was a WWDC 2004 polo and an Apple Developer Connection shirt. And my personal favorite was the one that said “Code Different.” I couldn’t make this up if I tried.
I am used to all this stuff, and I adore Justin because of it, but what about girls who aren’t used to this sort of thing? What about the poor innocent souls who think they are getting a normal guy and then come to find out he has been sucked into the chaotic world of development? What about the little girls who dream of Prince Charming and end up with Steve Ballmer? What about the girls who never even dreamed they would know who Steve Ballmer is? I think someone needs to offer them a little advice. Seeing that I am a seasoned professional who has been dating a developer since I was 15, I think there is no one better than me to show them the way.
Following are 10 things you need to know when dating a developer (or any kind of techie.)
\1. When projects have a deadline approaching, all plans are tentative.
I don’t care if you sister is getting married or your grandmother dies. If your man has a project with a quickly approaching deadline forget about him being there. This has nothing to do with lack of support, and it is by no means a jab at the guys. It is simply a matter of dedication. I have tried setting alarms, e-mail alerts, etc. Don’t even waste your time. And try to be understanding when situations like this arise. If you’re supportive and that application or piece of software takes off chances are you’ll get a nice date for all your patience.
\2. Your body/sex appeal are nothing compared to the power of a processor.
The nice thing about most computer boys is that they don’t typically check out other women. The downside of this is that they don’t notice the other women because they are too busy checking out people’s cell phones and iPods. When it comes to boys and their toys your short mini skirt just can’t compare. Trust me - I have learned this the hard way. Anytime Justin and I set foot in the Apple Store I see the way his eyes light up when he sees a shiny new G5. I see his jaw hit the ground when new operating systems are released. I run after him in my sexy heels as he sprints to be the first one in line to buy a new piece of software. It’s sick and twisted really, but it comes with the territory. I know what you are thinking. Sex. That will turn any guys head, right? Nope! Sorry ladies, it just isn’t going to work. Unless you are sporting a lacy black teddy with an Apple logo on the crotch you really don’t have a chance if there is a project in the works. The plus side of this is that you could probably roll around in his sheets with Brad Pitt and he wouldn’t notice. Seriously, though, this doesn’t mean you aren’t sexy or desirable. I don’t know what it does mean - I’m still trying to figure that out for myself - but rest assured he still loves you.
\3. You will NEVER be the Apple of his eye.
Ha! Get it? Apple. I’m so funny.
\4. Profanity is his friend.
You have to learn to put on your earmuffs when it comes to watching him work. I know. You want to be supportive and sit in his office offering kind words of encouragement. Go right ahead! Just be prepared for his response to be something about the $4000 piece of shit computer that isn’t going fast enough or the mother f’ing code that doesn’t work right.
\5. If you love him you will be standing by with a lot of caffeine.
Red Bull. Bawls. Mountain Dew. Whatever it takes. He is going to need it. The late night brainstorming sessions and all-night coding marathons require some fuel. Nothing would mean more than you showing up on his doorstep with 64 ounces of goodness.
\6. There is no rest for the weary.
Plan on going to bed alone and waking up alone. Well, unless your bed is right next to the computer, I guess. I have occasionally found Justin in the wee hours of the morning with his head resting on the computer, but that’s the most sleep he’ll get when he is working on something. To be a developer I think you also have to be a perfectionist. This means until every bit of code is complete and flawless he’ll be staring at the computer screen.
\7. Rubies and Pearls are not what you think.
I once overheard Justin having a conversation with a friend of ours. He made mention of a ruby and a pearl. Seeing as how it was almost my birthday I immediately thought I was in for a great gift. Little did I know they were talking about Ruby on Rails and Perl. Later that week we went out for a Sunday afternoon drive. There is a jewelry store just across the street from the local Barnes and Noble. I, of course, thought we were pulling in to buy some bling. 30 minutes and two O’Reilly books later I figured out that my “birthday gift” was actually how-to manuals for programming languages.
\8. One screen is never enough.
When Justin first told me he thought he needed not one but two flat-screen monitors I thought he had finally started drinking. What on earth would require two screens? Now he is talking about getting a third! Oddly enough, when I glance over at him grinding away he has both 17 inches covered. So when he says he needs bigger this or better that, just go with it. At least you know he won’t be cheap when it comes to other things.
\9. if (loveBoyfriend = 1 ) {learn();}
I always thought this coding, development stuff was just nonsense. Then I learned a little bit about it and realized it’s actually very cool. Sometimes I can even offer a little help. The other day Justin spent hours working on something for work. He just couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t coming together. In a spat of frustration he showed me what he was working on. Miraculously, I was able to find the problem. I think it was the proudest he had ever been of me.
\10. There is nothing like being the one there when he completes something new.
I can honestly say it’s the greatest feeling in the world to be the one there when Justin gets out of the chair (for the first time in weeks) and is beaming at me (through red, puffy eyes) and dying to show me his newest creation. Somewhere between the annoying profanity and the lack of sleep he created something wonderful. So when you get frustrated with him just remember that maybe he’s working on the next Movable Type-ish phenomenon. Wouldn’t you love to be the girl behind the guy on the cover of Macworld?
It looks like Justin is about done with his Rails project. I’m gonna go curl up on the couch and watch a movie with him. And as I fall asleep tonight I’ll thank my lucky stars that my boyfriend is a crazy Apple Developer - the greatest guys in the world. I love you, sweetie.
Ladies, next time you go looking for a man, don’t check out the local bar scene. Think Different.
I like to think that behind every good developer there is a good woman. No. A great woman. It takes a special breed to put up with the stuff that comes along with dating a computer nerd. Those of you who have ever been with a hard core geek know what I’m talking about. Some day I think it would be easier to date one of those guys who hangs out at the golf course all day with his buddies drinking beer.
This weekend I drove up from Nashville to see Justin. I knew he was busy with a Web development project, but I have dealt with that stuff before so it was no big deal. This particular project was for the Rails Day contest. This contest went from midnight on Friday to midnight on Saturday. While he was working I did some MacZealots work, caught up on sleep, cleaned the apartment and did the laundry. While I was folding some shirts I got to thinking about what life with a developer is like. I thought I would share my thoughts with you.
I started pondering this while I was doing the laundry because I noticed that 9 out of the 10 t-shirts I was folding were development or Mac related. Just to give you a general idea of what I’m talking about (and the embarrassment I have to deal with when we go out in public) let me describe a few of them. First, I ran across one that read “Steve Jobs is my homeboy.” Then there was the one that said “I am blogging this.” Next was a WWDC 2004 polo and an Apple Developer Connection shirt. And my personal favorite was the one that said “Code Different.” I couldn’t make this up if I tried.
I am used to all this stuff, and I adore Justin because of it, but what about girls who aren’t used to this sort of thing? What about the poor innocent souls who think they are getting a normal guy and then come to find out he has been sucked into the chaotic world of development? What about the little girls who dream of Prince Charming and end up with Steve Ballmer? What about the girls who never even dreamed they would know who Steve Ballmer is? I think someone needs to offer them a little advice. Seeing that I am a seasoned professional who has been dating a developer since I was 15, I think there is no one better than me to show them the way.
Following are 10 things you need to know when dating a developer (or any kind of techie.)
\1. When projects have a deadline approaching, all plans are tentative.
I don’t care if you sister is getting married or your grandmother dies. If your man has a project with a quickly approaching deadline forget about him being there. This has nothing to do with lack of support, and it is by no means a jab at the guys. It is simply a matter of dedication. I have tried setting alarms, e-mail alerts, etc. Don’t even waste your time. And try to be understanding when situations like this arise. If you’re supportive and that application or piece of software takes off chances are you’ll get a nice date for all your patience.
\2. Your body/sex appeal are nothing compared to the power of a processor.
The nice thing about most computer boys is that they don’t typically check out other women. The downside of this is that they don’t notice the other women because they are too busy checking out people’s cell phones and iPods. When it comes to boys and their toys your short mini skirt just can’t compare. Trust me - I have learned this the hard way. Anytime Justin and I set foot in the Apple Store I see the way his eyes light up when he sees a shiny new G5. I see his jaw hit the ground when new operating systems are released. I run after him in my sexy heels as he sprints to be the first one in line to buy a new piece of software. It’s sick and twisted really, but it comes with the territory. I know what you are thinking. Sex. That will turn any guys head, right? Nope! Sorry ladies, it just isn’t going to work. Unless you are sporting a lacy black teddy with an Apple logo on the crotch you really don’t have a chance if there is a project in the works. The plus side of this is that you could probably roll around in his sheets with Brad Pitt and he wouldn’t notice. Seriously, though, this doesn’t mean you aren’t sexy or desirable. I don’t know what it does mean - I’m still trying to figure that out for myself - but rest assured he still loves you.
\3. You will NEVER be the Apple of his eye.
Ha! Get it? Apple. I’m so funny.
\4. Profanity is his friend.
You have to learn to put on your earmuffs when it comes to watching him work. I know. You want to be supportive and sit in his office offering kind words of encouragement. Go right ahead! Just be prepared for his response to be something about the $4000 piece of shit computer that isn’t going fast enough or the mother f’ing code that doesn’t work right.
\5. If you love him you will be standing by with a lot of caffeine.
Red Bull. Bawls. Mountain Dew. Whatever it takes. He is going to need it. The late night brainstorming sessions and all-night coding marathons require some fuel. Nothing would mean more than you showing up on his doorstep with 64 ounces of goodness.
\6. There is no rest for the weary.
Plan on going to bed alone and waking up alone. Well, unless your bed is right next to the computer, I guess. I have occasionally found Justin in the wee hours of the morning with his head resting on the computer, but that’s the most sleep he’ll get when he is working on something. To be a developer I think you also have to be a perfectionist. This means until every bit of code is complete and flawless he’ll be staring at the computer screen.
\7. Rubies and Pearls are not what you think.
I once overheard Justin having a conversation with a friend of ours. He made mention of a ruby and a pearl. Seeing as how it was almost my birthday I immediately thought I was in for a great gift. Little did I know they were talking about Ruby on Rails and Perl. Later that week we went out for a Sunday afternoon drive. There is a jewelry store just across the street from the local Barnes and Noble. I, of course, thought we were pulling in to buy some bling. 30 minutes and two O’Reilly books later I figured out that my “birthday gift” was actually how-to manuals for programming languages.
\8. One screen is never enough.
When Justin first told me he thought he needed not one but two flat-screen monitors I thought he had finally started drinking. What on earth would require two screens? Now he is talking about getting a third! Oddly enough, when I glance over at him grinding away he has both 17 inches covered. So when he says he needs bigger this or better that, just go with it. At least you know he won’t be cheap when it comes to other things.
\9. if (loveBoyfriend = 1 ) {learn();}
I always thought this coding, development stuff was just nonsense. Then I learned a little bit about it and realized it’s actually very cool. Sometimes I can even offer a little help. The other day Justin spent hours working on something for work. He just couldn’t figure out why it wasn’t coming together. In a spat of frustration he showed me what he was working on. Miraculously, I was able to find the problem. I think it was the proudest he had ever been of me.
\10. There is nothing like being the one there when he completes something new.
I can honestly say it’s the greatest feeling in the world to be the one there when Justin gets out of the chair (for the first time in weeks) and is beaming at me (through red, puffy eyes) and dying to show me his newest creation. Somewhere between the annoying profanity and the lack of sleep he created something wonderful. So when you get frustrated with him just remember that maybe he’s working on the next Movable Type-ish phenomenon. Wouldn’t you love to be the girl behind the guy on the cover of Macworld?
It looks like Justin is about done with his Rails project. I’m gonna go curl up on the couch and watch a movie with him. And as I fall asleep tonight I’ll thank my lucky stars that my boyfriend is a crazy Apple Developer - the greatest guys in the world. I love you, sweetie.
Ladies, next time you go looking for a man, don’t check out the local bar scene. Think Different.
Monday, December 5
Official Google Blog: How I Got to Google, Ch. 2: Tale of a T-shirt
Official Google Blog: How I Got to Google, Ch. 2: Tale of a T-shirt
Again. Google proves how different it is. I applaud Google for their efforts in recruiting like that. Now I only wish they would notice an excellent network analyst like me and offer me a job.
Again. Google proves how different it is. I applaud Google for their efforts in recruiting like that. Now I only wish they would notice an excellent network analyst like me and offer me a job.
Official Google Blog: How I Got to Google, Ch. 2: Tale of a T-shirt
Official Google Blog: How I Got to Google, Ch. 2: Tale of a T-shirt
Again. Google proves how different it is. I applaud Google for their efforts in recruiting like that. Now I only wish they would notice an excellent network analyst like me and offer me a job.
Again. Google proves how different it is. I applaud Google for their efforts in recruiting like that. Now I only wish they would notice an excellent network analyst like me and offer me a job.
Friday, December 2
Monday, November 21
How To Write Unmaintainable Code
How To Write Unmaintainable Code
How to write code and not get fired. (or even if you get fired, how to come back and make money, by charging more!) Obfuscate your code!
I espeically like this example:
int d;
d = c;
How to write code and not get fired. (or even if you get fired, how to come back and make money, by charging more!) Obfuscate your code!
I espeically like this example:
int d;
d = c;
; - Virtual Stock Market Game - Virtual Stock Market Game
This is kinda neat. Like fantasy baseball or whatever, but with Stock.
This is kinda neat. Like fantasy baseball or whatever, but with Stock.
How To Write Unmaintainable Code
How To Write Unmaintainable Code
How to write code and not get fired. (or even if you get fired, how to come back and make money, by charging more!) Obfuscate your code!
I espeically like this example:
int d;
d = c;
How to write code and not get fired. (or even if you get fired, how to come back and make money, by charging more!) Obfuscate your code!
I espeically like this example:
int d;
d = c;
; - Virtual Stock Market Game - Virtual Stock Market Game
This is kinda neat. Like fantasy baseball or whatever, but with Stock.
This is kinda neat. Like fantasy baseball or whatever, but with Stock.
Tuesday, November 1
"Trick or Treat"
Is that so hard to say? We had so many kids walk up to the house last night and say "Ya'll got anything"? What happened to Trick or Treat?
Kids are also getting lazy.. we had to walk everywhere. EVERYWHERE when we were kids. Now their parents are driving their kids from house to house in a car!? what kinda crap is that? Then, I know we live in Golf Cart country around here, but what is with parents driving their kids from house to house in a Golf cart!? Or even no parents... just the kids!
Kids are getting lazy. I swear to God my kids will walk.
Is that so hard to say? We had so many kids walk up to the house last night and say "Ya'll got anything"? What happened to Trick or Treat?
Kids are also getting lazy.. we had to walk everywhere. EVERYWHERE when we were kids. Now their parents are driving their kids from house to house in a car!? what kinda crap is that? Then, I know we live in Golf Cart country around here, but what is with parents driving their kids from house to house in a Golf cart!? Or even no parents... just the kids!
Kids are getting lazy. I swear to God my kids will walk.
"Trick or Treat"
Is that so hard to say? We had so many kids walk up to the house last night and say "Ya'll got anything"? What happened to Trick or Treat?
Kids are also getting lazy.. we had to walk everywhere. EVERYWHERE when we were kids. Now their parents are driving their kids from house to house in a car!? what kinda crap is that? Then, I know we live in Golf Cart country around here, but what is with parents driving their kids from house to house in a Golf cart!? Or even no parents... just the kids!
Kids are getting lazy. I swear to God my kids will walk.
Is that so hard to say? We had so many kids walk up to the house last night and say "Ya'll got anything"? What happened to Trick or Treat?
Kids are also getting lazy.. we had to walk everywhere. EVERYWHERE when we were kids. Now their parents are driving their kids from house to house in a car!? what kinda crap is that? Then, I know we live in Golf Cart country around here, but what is with parents driving their kids from house to house in a Golf cart!? Or even no parents... just the kids!
Kids are getting lazy. I swear to God my kids will walk.
Friday, October 28
Steve Balmer Remixed
This is funny as hell. Someone took the cartoon puppet character Domo Kun from Japan and mixed some his video with Steve Balmer's famous mid-losing bends.
Check it out. Funny as hell.. Click here
Check it out. Funny as hell.. Click here
Steve Balmer Remixed
This is funny as hell. Someone took the cartoon puppet character Domo Kun from Japan and mixed some his video with Steve Balmer's famous mid-losing bends.
Check it out. Funny as hell.. Click here
Check it out. Funny as hell.. Click here
Sunday, October 23
Friday, October 21 - Hackers Snort at intrusion detection security - Hackers Snort at intrusion detection security
First of all the exploit can't be done on every version of Snort, on every platform with a single UDP packet. True, that it only takes one UDP packet to trip the system, it physically cannot be coded to affect every version of Snort into one packet.
This is not the Witty Worm, and it's not the Slammer worm either. For as "trivial" as ISS claims it to be, I don't see a worm out yet!!!
HD Moore (of metasploit fame) has attempted to exploit the vulernability on every platform (proving to the community it can't be done), he is on his 33rd attempt at last known point.
First of all the exploit can't be done on every version of Snort, on every platform with a single UDP packet. True, that it only takes one UDP packet to trip the system, it physically cannot be coded to affect every version of Snort into one packet.
This is not the Witty Worm, and it's not the Slammer worm either. For as "trivial" as ISS claims it to be, I don't see a worm out yet!!!
HD Moore (of metasploit fame) has attempted to exploit the vulernability on every platform (proving to the community it can't be done), he is on his 33rd attempt at last known point.
Tuesday, October 18
It's all Bush's fault... or is it?
Written by Neal Boortz, September 19, 2005
Now here's something you probably didn't know about Louisiana and Hurricane Katrina. At the very time Katrina was bearing down on New Orleans, there were several top-level officials in the very department of Louisiana government that prepares for emergencies such as Katrina sitting around and waiting for their trial. Trial, you say? Trial for what? Let's try corruption and throw in a bit of fraud.
It seems that these Louisiana officials either misspent or misplaced or ... worse ... about 60 million federal taxpayer bucks. Here are some details
In March of this year -- that's about five months before Katrina -- FEMA was asking for the return of $30.4 million that the federal government had sent to Louisiana for emergency planning and preparedness. Most of this money was sent to some state office called the Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness. Wait .. it gets worse. According to the Los Angeles Times, much of that money was sent to Louisiana under some federal program called the Hazard Mitigation Grant program. That is a program that is, in part, supposed to help states improve flood control facilities. Flood? Did someone say flood?
Hazard mitigation would have been a great idea in New Orleans, don't you think? Especially that "improve flood control facilities" part, but nobody seems to know where the money went! OK ... let's follow the trail of $15.4 million dollars that was spent by the Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness. The $15.4 million was part of a $40.5 million grant of your money that was sent to Louisiana for the Hazard Mitigation Program. You know ... flood control and all that. Oops! Hold on a second here. My bad. It seems we can't follow that $15.4 million.. You see, the Louisiana officials say that they awarded that money to subcontractors for 19 major hazard mitigation programs, but they just can't seem to find any receipts to account of 97% of the funds. Ninety-seven percent of $15.4 million, my friends. No receipts. That's $14.94 million .. gone, and nobody can trace it.
Do any of you think that something good might have been done with some of this money? Lives saved? Flooding prevented? If you're thinking that, remember ... we're talking Hurricane Katrina here, and we all know that every bad thing that happened in Hurricane Katrina was --- all together now ---- Bush's Fault! Perhaps if these Louisiana officials ever actually go to trial now they will be able to use the "Blame Bush" defense.
Let's see ... what else have we learned in the past week about the response to Katrina.
Doctors from across the United States poured into Louisiana to offer their services in shelters and hospitals treating Katrina's victims. They could do nothing. They just sat. You see, they weren't licensed to practice medicine in Louisiana. It took the amazing Governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Blanco, five days to sign a waiver to allow these doctors to practice medicine in Louisiana. Five days, while people were suffering and dying. Don't blame Blanco, though. It was clearly Bush's fault.
New Orleans' Mayor Ray Nagin
On the Saturday before the hurricane New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin received a call from Amtrak. There was a passenger train sitting in the New Orleans station with 900 empty seats. Did the Mayor want to put some evacuees in those seats? No thanks. The train left nearly empty. You cannot blame Mayor Nagin for this decision, that clearly would be racist. It just has to be Bush's fault.
In 1997 the U.S. Congress appropriated $500,000 of your money -- not federal money, taxpayer's money -- to the State of Louisiana. The money was set aside to create a "comprehensive analysis and plan of all evacuation alternatives for New Orleans." Now correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the big deal here, isn't it? New Orleans didn't get evacuated, right? Well, for two years nothing happened. Then the Congress demanded of Louisiana a plan for evacuation in the event of a category 3 story, a levee break, a flood or some other natural disaster. The $500,000 of your money got to Louisiana .. but then what? It was spent by the Greater New Orleans Expressway Commission, not on an evacuation plan, but things that
needed to be done to the Lake Pontchartrain causeway over the next fifteen years or so. What does the incredible Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness have to say about the funds and the causeway study? The spokesman says that they can't find any information. Actually, we shouldn't be holding the Louisiana emergency preparedness folks or the state responsible for this ... not when we all know it was Bush's fault.
Speaking of flood control. You did know, didn't you, that in 1996 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was going to raise and strengthen the very levees that failed in New Orleans. They were going to, but they didn't. And why not? Because of a lawsuit, that's why. The plaintiff in the lawsuit didn't want the work done until extensive and expensive environmental impact statements were prepared by the Corps of Engineers and approved by the EPA. And who filed that lawsuit? Why .. it was the Sierra Club. The very same Sierra Club, by the way, that listened with rapt attention in San Francisco on September 9th while Al Gore told them that the leaders of this country ought to be held accountable for the flooding in New Orleans. Now, some of us might be so twisted as to think that the very Sierra Club that was so enthralled by Gore's rantings should bear some of the blame here ... but that's only because we just don't realize that it was all Bush's fault. Oh .. and by the way. Why haven't we heard more about this Sierra Club lawsuit in the mainstream media? Remember the template.
Now here's something you probably didn't know about Louisiana and Hurricane Katrina. At the very time Katrina was bearing down on New Orleans, there were several top-level officials in the very department of Louisiana government that prepares for emergencies such as Katrina sitting around and waiting for their trial. Trial, you say? Trial for what? Let's try corruption and throw in a bit of fraud.
It seems that these Louisiana officials either misspent or misplaced or ... worse ... about 60 million federal taxpayer bucks. Here are some details
In March of this year -- that's about five months before Katrina -- FEMA was asking for the return of $30.4 million that the federal government had sent to Louisiana for emergency planning and preparedness. Most of this money was sent to some state office called the Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness. Wait .. it gets worse. According to the Los Angeles Times, much of that money was sent to Louisiana under some federal program called the Hazard Mitigation Grant program. That is a program that is, in part, supposed to help states improve flood control facilities. Flood? Did someone say flood?
Hazard mitigation would have been a great idea in New Orleans, don't you think? Especially that "improve flood control facilities" part, but nobody seems to know where the money went! OK ... let's follow the trail of $15.4 million dollars that was spent by the Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness. The $15.4 million was part of a $40.5 million grant of your money that was sent to Louisiana for the Hazard Mitigation Program. You know ... flood control and all that. Oops! Hold on a second here. My bad. It seems we can't follow that $15.4 million.. You see, the Louisiana officials say that they awarded that money to subcontractors for 19 major hazard mitigation programs, but they just can't seem to find any receipts to account of 97% of the funds. Ninety-seven percent of $15.4 million, my friends. No receipts. That's $14.94 million .. gone, and nobody can trace it.
Do any of you think that something good might have been done with some of this money? Lives saved? Flooding prevented? If you're thinking that, remember ... we're talking Hurricane Katrina here, and we all know that every bad thing that happened in Hurricane Katrina was --- all together now ---- Bush's Fault! Perhaps if these Louisiana officials ever actually go to trial now they will be able to use the "Blame Bush" defense.
Let's see ... what else have we learned in the past week about the response to Katrina.
Doctors from across the United States poured into Louisiana to offer their services in shelters and hospitals treating Katrina's victims. They could do nothing. They just sat. You see, they weren't licensed to practice medicine in Louisiana. It took the amazing Governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Blanco, five days to sign a waiver to allow these doctors to practice medicine in Louisiana. Five days, while people were suffering and dying. Don't blame Blanco, though. It was clearly Bush's fault.
New Orleans' Mayor Ray Nagin
On the Saturday before the hurricane New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin received a call from Amtrak. There was a passenger train sitting in the New Orleans station with 900 empty seats. Did the Mayor want to put some evacuees in those seats? No thanks. The train left nearly empty. You cannot blame Mayor Nagin for this decision, that clearly would be racist. It just has to be Bush's fault.
In 1997 the U.S. Congress appropriated $500,000 of your money -- not federal money, taxpayer's money -- to the State of Louisiana. The money was set aside to create a "comprehensive analysis and plan of all evacuation alternatives for New Orleans." Now correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the big deal here, isn't it? New Orleans didn't get evacuated, right? Well, for two years nothing happened. Then the Congress demanded of Louisiana a plan for evacuation in the event of a category 3 story, a levee break, a flood or some other natural disaster. The $500,000 of your money got to Louisiana .. but then what? It was spent by the Greater New Orleans Expressway Commission, not on an evacuation plan, but things that
needed to be done to the Lake Pontchartrain causeway over the next fifteen years or so. What does the incredible Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness have to say about the funds and the causeway study? The spokesman says that they can't find any information. Actually, we shouldn't be holding the Louisiana emergency preparedness folks or the state responsible for this ... not when we all know it was Bush's fault.
Speaking of flood control. You did know, didn't you, that in 1996 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was going to raise and strengthen the very levees that failed in New Orleans. They were going to, but they didn't. And why not? Because of a lawsuit, that's why. The plaintiff in the lawsuit didn't want the work done until extensive and expensive environmental impact statements were prepared by the Corps of Engineers and approved by the EPA. And who filed that lawsuit? Why .. it was the Sierra Club. The very same Sierra Club, by the way, that listened with rapt attention in San Francisco on September 9th while Al Gore told them that the leaders of this country ought to be held accountable for the flooding in New Orleans. Now, some of us might be so twisted as to think that the very Sierra Club that was so enthralled by Gore's rantings should bear some of the blame here ... but that's only because we just don't realize that it was all Bush's fault. Oh .. and by the way. Why haven't we heard more about this Sierra Club lawsuit in the mainstream media? Remember the template.
It's all Bush's fault... or is it?
Written by Neal Boortz, September 19, 2005
Now here's something you probably didn't know about Louisiana and Hurricane Katrina. At the very time Katrina was bearing down on New Orleans, there were several top-level officials in the very department of Louisiana government that prepares for emergencies such as Katrina sitting around and waiting for their trial. Trial, you say? Trial for what? Let's try corruption and throw in a bit of fraud.
It seems that these Louisiana officials either misspent or misplaced or ... worse ... about 60 million federal taxpayer bucks. Here are some details
In March of this year -- that's about five months before Katrina -- FEMA was asking for the return of $30.4 million that the federal government had sent to Louisiana for emergency planning and preparedness. Most of this money was sent to some state office called the Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness. Wait .. it gets worse. According to the Los Angeles Times, much of that money was sent to Louisiana under some federal program called the Hazard Mitigation Grant program. That is a program that is, in part, supposed to help states improve flood control facilities. Flood? Did someone say flood?
Hazard mitigation would have been a great idea in New Orleans, don't you think? Especially that "improve flood control facilities" part, but nobody seems to know where the money went! OK ... let's follow the trail of $15.4 million dollars that was spent by the Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness. The $15.4 million was part of a $40.5 million grant of your money that was sent to Louisiana for the Hazard Mitigation Program. You know ... flood control and all that. Oops! Hold on a second here. My bad. It seems we can't follow that $15.4 million.. You see, the Louisiana officials say that they awarded that money to subcontractors for 19 major hazard mitigation programs, but they just can't seem to find any receipts to account of 97% of the funds. Ninety-seven percent of $15.4 million, my friends. No receipts. That's $14.94 million .. gone, and nobody can trace it.
Do any of you think that something good might have been done with some of this money? Lives saved? Flooding prevented? If you're thinking that, remember ... we're talking Hurricane Katrina here, and we all know that every bad thing that happened in Hurricane Katrina was --- all together now ---- Bush's Fault! Perhaps if these Louisiana officials ever actually go to trial now they will be able to use the "Blame Bush" defense.
Let's see ... what else have we learned in the past week about the response to Katrina.
Doctors from across the United States poured into Louisiana to offer their services in shelters and hospitals treating Katrina's victims. They could do nothing. They just sat. You see, they weren't licensed to practice medicine in Louisiana. It took the amazing Governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Blanco, five days to sign a waiver to allow these doctors to practice medicine in Louisiana. Five days, while people were suffering and dying. Don't blame Blanco, though. It was clearly Bush's fault.
New Orleans' Mayor Ray Nagin
On the Saturday before the hurricane New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin received a call from Amtrak. There was a passenger train sitting in the New Orleans station with 900 empty seats. Did the Mayor want to put some evacuees in those seats? No thanks. The train left nearly empty. You cannot blame Mayor Nagin for this decision, that clearly would be racist. It just has to be Bush's fault.
In 1997 the U.S. Congress appropriated $500,000 of your money -- not federal money, taxpayer's money -- to the State of Louisiana. The money was set aside to create a "comprehensive analysis and plan of all evacuation alternatives for New Orleans." Now correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the big deal here, isn't it? New Orleans didn't get evacuated, right? Well, for two years nothing happened. Then the Congress demanded of Louisiana a plan for evacuation in the event of a category 3 story, a levee break, a flood or some other natural disaster. The $500,000 of your money got to Louisiana .. but then what? It was spent by the Greater New Orleans Expressway Commission, not on an evacuation plan, but things that
needed to be done to the Lake Pontchartrain causeway over the next fifteen years or so. What does the incredible Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness have to say about the funds and the causeway study? The spokesman says that they can't find any information. Actually, we shouldn't be holding the Louisiana emergency preparedness folks or the state responsible for this ... not when we all know it was Bush's fault.
Speaking of flood control. You did know, didn't you, that in 1996 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was going to raise and strengthen the very levees that failed in New Orleans. They were going to, but they didn't. And why not? Because of a lawsuit, that's why. The plaintiff in the lawsuit didn't want the work done until extensive and expensive environmental impact statements were prepared by the Corps of Engineers and approved by the EPA. And who filed that lawsuit? Why .. it was the Sierra Club. The very same Sierra Club, by the way, that listened with rapt attention in San Francisco on September 9th while Al Gore told them that the leaders of this country ought to be held accountable for the flooding in New Orleans. Now, some of us might be so twisted as to think that the very Sierra Club that was so enthralled by Gore's rantings should bear some of the blame here ... but that's only because we just don't realize that it was all Bush's fault. Oh .. and by the way. Why haven't we heard more about this Sierra Club lawsuit in the mainstream media? Remember the template.
Now here's something you probably didn't know about Louisiana and Hurricane Katrina. At the very time Katrina was bearing down on New Orleans, there were several top-level officials in the very department of Louisiana government that prepares for emergencies such as Katrina sitting around and waiting for their trial. Trial, you say? Trial for what? Let's try corruption and throw in a bit of fraud.
It seems that these Louisiana officials either misspent or misplaced or ... worse ... about 60 million federal taxpayer bucks. Here are some details
In March of this year -- that's about five months before Katrina -- FEMA was asking for the return of $30.4 million that the federal government had sent to Louisiana for emergency planning and preparedness. Most of this money was sent to some state office called the Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness. Wait .. it gets worse. According to the Los Angeles Times, much of that money was sent to Louisiana under some federal program called the Hazard Mitigation Grant program. That is a program that is, in part, supposed to help states improve flood control facilities. Flood? Did someone say flood?
Hazard mitigation would have been a great idea in New Orleans, don't you think? Especially that "improve flood control facilities" part, but nobody seems to know where the money went! OK ... let's follow the trail of $15.4 million dollars that was spent by the Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness. The $15.4 million was part of a $40.5 million grant of your money that was sent to Louisiana for the Hazard Mitigation Program. You know ... flood control and all that. Oops! Hold on a second here. My bad. It seems we can't follow that $15.4 million.. You see, the Louisiana officials say that they awarded that money to subcontractors for 19 major hazard mitigation programs, but they just can't seem to find any receipts to account of 97% of the funds. Ninety-seven percent of $15.4 million, my friends. No receipts. That's $14.94 million .. gone, and nobody can trace it.
Do any of you think that something good might have been done with some of this money? Lives saved? Flooding prevented? If you're thinking that, remember ... we're talking Hurricane Katrina here, and we all know that every bad thing that happened in Hurricane Katrina was --- all together now ---- Bush's Fault! Perhaps if these Louisiana officials ever actually go to trial now they will be able to use the "Blame Bush" defense.
Let's see ... what else have we learned in the past week about the response to Katrina.
Doctors from across the United States poured into Louisiana to offer their services in shelters and hospitals treating Katrina's victims. They could do nothing. They just sat. You see, they weren't licensed to practice medicine in Louisiana. It took the amazing Governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Blanco, five days to sign a waiver to allow these doctors to practice medicine in Louisiana. Five days, while people were suffering and dying. Don't blame Blanco, though. It was clearly Bush's fault.
New Orleans' Mayor Ray Nagin
On the Saturday before the hurricane New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin received a call from Amtrak. There was a passenger train sitting in the New Orleans station with 900 empty seats. Did the Mayor want to put some evacuees in those seats? No thanks. The train left nearly empty. You cannot blame Mayor Nagin for this decision, that clearly would be racist. It just has to be Bush's fault.
In 1997 the U.S. Congress appropriated $500,000 of your money -- not federal money, taxpayer's money -- to the State of Louisiana. The money was set aside to create a "comprehensive analysis and plan of all evacuation alternatives for New Orleans." Now correct me if I'm wrong, but that's the big deal here, isn't it? New Orleans didn't get evacuated, right? Well, for two years nothing happened. Then the Congress demanded of Louisiana a plan for evacuation in the event of a category 3 story, a levee break, a flood or some other natural disaster. The $500,000 of your money got to Louisiana .. but then what? It was spent by the Greater New Orleans Expressway Commission, not on an evacuation plan, but things that
needed to be done to the Lake Pontchartrain causeway over the next fifteen years or so. What does the incredible Louisiana Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness have to say about the funds and the causeway study? The spokesman says that they can't find any information. Actually, we shouldn't be holding the Louisiana emergency preparedness folks or the state responsible for this ... not when we all know it was Bush's fault.
Speaking of flood control. You did know, didn't you, that in 1996 the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was going to raise and strengthen the very levees that failed in New Orleans. They were going to, but they didn't. And why not? Because of a lawsuit, that's why. The plaintiff in the lawsuit didn't want the work done until extensive and expensive environmental impact statements were prepared by the Corps of Engineers and approved by the EPA. And who filed that lawsuit? Why .. it was the Sierra Club. The very same Sierra Club, by the way, that listened with rapt attention in San Francisco on September 9th while Al Gore told them that the leaders of this country ought to be held accountable for the flooding in New Orleans. Now, some of us might be so twisted as to think that the very Sierra Club that was so enthralled by Gore's rantings should bear some of the blame here ... but that's only because we just don't realize that it was all Bush's fault. Oh .. and by the way. Why haven't we heard more about this Sierra Club lawsuit in the mainstream media? Remember the template.
Thursday, October 13
Mac OS X 10.4 Mods
Think I am going to start posting a few OSX 10.4 mods in the ol' blog. Lots of people need em.
Hint #2
1. When you log in. First thing you should do... Spotlight the word "quartz"
2. Start "Quartz Debug"
3. Close the little popup window
4. Go to Tools -> Enable 2d Extreme
5. Say thank you to the next little popup.
6. Leave it running, go on about your life.
This enables the 2d Extreme graphic rendering tool (not just for graphics, but for everything, even your desktop programs...) Makes every program you start after you start the debugger much faster. No, I don't know why Apple doesn't have this on by default, I read this in an article. Google it. It's a good article. Basically 2d Extreme is the most overlooked tool there is. (Note: You must have the XCode tools installed for this trick to work. IMHO It's worth it.)
Hint #2
Tinkertool. Download it. Use it.
Hint #3
Cocktail. Download it. Use it.
HInt #4
Put the terminal on the dock. Its in Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
Hint #5
Download Firefox. Use it.
More to come later.
Hint #2
1. When you log in. First thing you should do... Spotlight the word "quartz"
2. Start "Quartz Debug"
3. Close the little popup window
4. Go to Tools -> Enable 2d Extreme
5. Say thank you to the next little popup.
6. Leave it running, go on about your life.
This enables the 2d Extreme graphic rendering tool (not just for graphics, but for everything, even your desktop programs...) Makes every program you start after you start the debugger much faster. No, I don't know why Apple doesn't have this on by default, I read this in an article. Google it. It's a good article. Basically 2d Extreme is the most overlooked tool there is. (Note: You must have the XCode tools installed for this trick to work. IMHO It's worth it.)
Hint #2
Tinkertool. Download it. Use it.
Hint #3
Cocktail. Download it. Use it.
HInt #4
Put the terminal on the dock. Its in Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
Hint #5
Download Firefox. Use it.
More to come later.
Mac OS X 10.4 Mods
Think I am going to start posting a few OSX 10.4 mods in the ol' blog. Lots of people need em.
Hint #2
1. When you log in. First thing you should do... Spotlight the word "quartz"
2. Start "Quartz Debug"
3. Close the little popup window
4. Go to Tools -> Enable 2d Extreme
5. Say thank you to the next little popup.
6. Leave it running, go on about your life.
This enables the 2d Extreme graphic rendering tool (not just for graphics, but for everything, even your desktop programs...) Makes every program you start after you start the debugger much faster. No, I don't know why Apple doesn't have this on by default, I read this in an article. Google it. It's a good article. Basically 2d Extreme is the most overlooked tool there is. (Note: You must have the XCode tools installed for this trick to work. IMHO It's worth it.)
Hint #2
Tinkertool. Download it. Use it.
Hint #3
Cocktail. Download it. Use it.
HInt #4
Put the terminal on the dock. Its in Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
Hint #5
Download Firefox. Use it.
More to come later.
Hint #2
1. When you log in. First thing you should do... Spotlight the word "quartz"
2. Start "Quartz Debug"
3. Close the little popup window
4. Go to Tools -> Enable 2d Extreme
5. Say thank you to the next little popup.
6. Leave it running, go on about your life.
This enables the 2d Extreme graphic rendering tool (not just for graphics, but for everything, even your desktop programs...) Makes every program you start after you start the debugger much faster. No, I don't know why Apple doesn't have this on by default, I read this in an article. Google it. It's a good article. Basically 2d Extreme is the most overlooked tool there is. (Note: You must have the XCode tools installed for this trick to work. IMHO It's worth it.)
Hint #2
Tinkertool. Download it. Use it.
Hint #3
Cocktail. Download it. Use it.
HInt #4
Put the terminal on the dock. Its in Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal
Hint #5
Download Firefox. Use it.
More to come later.
Monday, October 10
Snort - the de facto standard for intrusion detection/prevention
Snort - the de facto standard for intrusion detection/prevention
This just in... gets a facelift. (I had little to nothing to do with it, and claim no credit for anything.)
This just in... gets a facelift. (I had little to nothing to do with it, and claim no credit for anything.)
Thursday, October 6
Slashdot | CheckPoint Acquires Snort
Slashdot | CheckPoint Acquires Snort
We've been Slashdotted... In Other Words, our website ( has ground to a complete halt.
We've been Slashdotted... In Other Words, our website ( has ground to a complete halt.
Check Point Software: Check Point to Acquire Sourcefire
Check Point Software: Check Point to Acquire Sourcefire
Check Point Software has purchased my company (not mine, persay, the one I work for) for 225 million. Congrats all Sourcefire employees!!!
Oh yeah, and Snort will continue to be free.
Check Point Software has purchased my company (not mine, persay, the one I work for) for 225 million. Congrats all Sourcefire employees!!!
Oh yeah, and Snort will continue to be free.
Friday, September 30
All this New Orleans News
You know, I have basically grown tired of hearing about New Orleans and how bad everyone has it and how horrible it is, boo hoo.
Look people, the gov't told you to leave, and you didn't leave. Hello? It doesn't take a rocket scientist! I live in a city, right next to three major bodies of water, and I live below sea level. I would move. That's just me.
The Mayor's bright idea of emergency recovery was to have everyone go to the Superdome. Well that's fine, but where was the water? Food? Electricity? Lights? Security? I mean, come on! Your one (or two, the convention center) buildings that you wanted people to go, and you don't have a way to help the people that go there? You don't have a way to get them out?
The buses! Oh, the buses. Everyone has seen it by now, but in case you haven't, I stole this picture from "" (which IMO, is not a bad idea, impeach the chick who was at fault) That was the way to get everyone out of town. Too bad they are underwater!

Now the police have been charged with looting. Duh! Like they weren't looting.. Come on! We all knew that, I am just glad it didn't take forever to find out who was doing it. Major Nagin, is a moron. Gov Blanco, is a moron. I wish Bush could fire them, because they are the breakdown in processess here.
Then we have Former FEMA director Brown. Brown, offered assistance. Bush offered assistance. Blanco, Gov Kathleen Blanco, said "nah, we don't need it" and refused Fed help before the hurricane. Then, after it struck, they were the ones on TV talking about "where is the Fed Gov't"!? WTF!!! "They need to get off their asses" -- Mayor Nagin.
True quote.
Bush's fault my ass. Now, I like Bush. (I like the office of the Presidency), but Bush was good for me when I was in the military, gave me some nice raises, so I can't complain really. I don't really agree with 100% of his politics, but. whatever, that being said.
It's not Bush's fault. The residents of New Orleans need to be kicking themselves in the ass for electing Mayor Nagin (and not getting out of town). Former FEMA Director Brown said it best. Mississippi left, Alabama left, Louisiana decided not to heed the warnings. Well.. that's their own stupid fault then.
Look people, the gov't told you to leave, and you didn't leave. Hello? It doesn't take a rocket scientist! I live in a city, right next to three major bodies of water, and I live below sea level. I would move. That's just me.
The Mayor's bright idea of emergency recovery was to have everyone go to the Superdome. Well that's fine, but where was the water? Food? Electricity? Lights? Security? I mean, come on! Your one (or two, the convention center) buildings that you wanted people to go, and you don't have a way to help the people that go there? You don't have a way to get them out?
The buses! Oh, the buses. Everyone has seen it by now, but in case you haven't, I stole this picture from "" (which IMO, is not a bad idea, impeach the chick who was at fault) That was the way to get everyone out of town. Too bad they are underwater!
Now the police have been charged with looting. Duh! Like they weren't looting.. Come on! We all knew that, I am just glad it didn't take forever to find out who was doing it. Major Nagin, is a moron. Gov Blanco, is a moron. I wish Bush could fire them, because they are the breakdown in processess here.
Then we have Former FEMA director Brown. Brown, offered assistance. Bush offered assistance. Blanco, Gov Kathleen Blanco, said "nah, we don't need it" and refused Fed help before the hurricane. Then, after it struck, they were the ones on TV talking about "where is the Fed Gov't"!? WTF!!! "They need to get off their asses" -- Mayor Nagin.
True quote.
Bush's fault my ass. Now, I like Bush. (I like the office of the Presidency), but Bush was good for me when I was in the military, gave me some nice raises, so I can't complain really. I don't really agree with 100% of his politics, but. whatever, that being said.
It's not Bush's fault. The residents of New Orleans need to be kicking themselves in the ass for electing Mayor Nagin (and not getting out of town). Former FEMA Director Brown said it best. Mississippi left, Alabama left, Louisiana decided not to heed the warnings. Well.. that's their own stupid fault then.
Friday, September 23
Thursday, September 22
Some RITA thing
Um, in case you haven't noticed there's this little Category 5 Hurricane in the Gulf.
I'm not going to provid you any links or anything Except this one
Little hurricane. No biggie.
I'm not going to provid you any links or anything Except this one
Little hurricane. No biggie.
Some RITA thing
Um, in case you haven't noticed there's this little Category 5 Hurricane in the Gulf.
I'm not going to provid you any links or anything Except this one
Little hurricane. No biggie.
I'm not going to provid you any links or anything Except this one
Little hurricane. No biggie.
Friday, September 16
Steve Gibson is a tool
Steve Gibson, is a tool.
He claims to be an internet security expert, yet posts nothing in any public forum about any security topic whatsoever. His products and claims are stupid and for the most part idiotic.
"he only posts on his private forums because he is so popular" -- Tool, Steve Gibson's "shaft".. errr staff...
Maybe i'll rant more on this later, But for the meantime, he's a tool.
He claims to be an internet security expert, yet posts nothing in any public forum about any security topic whatsoever. His products and claims are stupid and for the most part idiotic.
"he only posts on his private forums because he is so popular" -- Tool, Steve Gibson's "shaft".. errr staff...
Maybe i'll rant more on this later, But for the meantime, he's a tool.
Sunday, September 11
Comment Spam (cont.)
It appears as if the Comment Spam has ground to a halt at about 2:13 this morning. After climbing to a high of 986 hits a day (both legit and not) 8971 hits total (just from the comment spam) over the past week...
See the stupid statistics here
I don't think they are gone, I just haven't seen any in awhile. They shall return.
See the stupid statistics here
I don't think they are gone, I just haven't seen any in awhile. They shall return.
Saturday, September 10
SingleMind.Net: A Kurdish-Iranian American Christian Blasting Away at Stupidity ;) » Louisiana Gov’t Blocked Red Cross
SingleMind.Net: A Kurdish-Iranian American Christian Blasting Away at Stupidity ;) » Louisiana Gov’t Blocked Red Cross:
"All she had to do was make the request, and Bush would have ordered FEMA into New Orleans before the storm. (That would have allowed FEMA to provide real-time assessments of situations as they were developing.)"
Exactly. EXACTLY.
"All she had to do was make the request, and Bush would have ordered FEMA into New Orleans before the storm. (That would have allowed FEMA to provide real-time assessments of situations as they were developing.)"
Exactly. EXACTLY.
SingleMind.Net: A Kurdish-Iranian American Christian Blasting Away at Stupidity ;) » Louisiana Gov’t Blocked Red Cross
SingleMind.Net: A Kurdish-Iranian American Christian Blasting Away at Stupidity ;) » Louisiana Gov’t Blocked Red Cross:
"All she had to do was make the request, and Bush would have ordered FEMA into New Orleans before the storm. (That would have allowed FEMA to provide real-time assessments of situations as they were developing.)"
Exactly. EXACTLY.
"All she had to do was make the request, and Bush would have ordered FEMA into New Orleans before the storm. (That would have allowed FEMA to provide real-time assessments of situations as they were developing.)"
Exactly. EXACTLY.
Comment Spam
It started the other day, about the 2nd of September, I started receiving Comment Spam hits. Hundreds of them. Just shy of a thousand hits a day. It's crazy... Of those of you that don't know what a comment spam hit is.. here's a traffic dump:
GET /2005/04/enterprise-will-take-its-longhorn.html HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-us
x-aaaaaaaaaaaa: 1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; N_o_k_i_a)
x-aaaaaaaaaa: 300000
UA-CPU: x86
Connection: Keep-Alive
See the wierd "x-aaaaaaaaa" user-agent string? See the referer? Some blackjack site? Welp, I don't know why they have suddenly followed me over here, but they have.
I'm considering doing one of several things.
A) Stopping the blog -- Shutting it off completely.
B) Changing the DNS name to something like
C) I don't know.
In the meantime I have made some changes to the IDS.
A) A secret
B) Anytime a request is made with that user-agent string, a RST packet will be sent to the host. The communication will immediately cease. (Go Snort.. Go Snort...)
GET /2005/04/enterprise-will-take-its-longhorn.html HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en-us
x-aaaaaaaaaaaa: 1
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 5.0; N_o_k_i_a)
x-aaaaaaaaaa: 300000
UA-CPU: x86
Connection: Keep-Alive
See the wierd "x-aaaaaaaaa" user-agent string? See the referer? Some blackjack site? Welp, I don't know why they have suddenly followed me over here, but they have.
I'm considering doing one of several things.
A) Stopping the blog -- Shutting it off completely.
B) Changing the DNS name to something like
C) I don't know.
In the meantime I have made some changes to the IDS.
A) A secret
B) Anytime a request is made with that user-agent string, a RST packet will be sent to the host. The communication will immediately cease. (Go Snort.. Go Snort...)
Thursday, September 8
I haven't written anything in awhile. Been a bit busy. I'm in Portland, Oregon right now, enjoying the nice weather. Looking out my window at Mount St. Helens and Mount Hood. (yes, it is very nice)
Apple released their iPod nano yesterday. Very nice Click here for a picture Thing is sweet.
I just confirmed my reservations on Delta and I already have my first class seats. Quite happy about that. I think I will get promoted (ehhh) to Diamond Status through Hilton next month (if I keep this stay rate up...)
*yawn* hungry..
Apple released their iPod nano yesterday. Very nice Click here for a picture Thing is sweet.
I just confirmed my reservations on Delta and I already have my first class seats. Quite happy about that. I think I will get promoted (ehhh) to Diamond Status through Hilton next month (if I keep this stay rate up...)
*yawn* hungry..
I haven't written anything in awhile. Been a bit busy. I'm in Portland, Oregon right now, enjoying the nice weather. Looking out my window at Mount St. Helens and Mount Hood. (yes, it is very nice)
Apple released their iPod nano yesterday. Very nice Click here for a picture Thing is sweet.
I just confirmed my reservations on Delta and I already have my first class seats. Quite happy about that. I think I will get promoted (ehhh) to Diamond Status through Hilton next month (if I keep this stay rate up...)
*yawn* hungry..
Apple released their iPod nano yesterday. Very nice Click here for a picture Thing is sweet.
I just confirmed my reservations on Delta and I already have my first class seats. Quite happy about that. I think I will get promoted (ehhh) to Diamond Status through Hilton next month (if I keep this stay rate up...)
*yawn* hungry..
Wednesday, August 24
Cindy Sheehan
Cindy Sheehan
This lady is getting on my nerves. She's not special. She doesn't get to talk to the President. I've never talked to him, and I at least SERVED this country! To each, their own, but I don't think it's fair that she is "demanding" to see the President.
This lady is getting on my nerves. She's not special. She doesn't get to talk to the President. I've never talked to him, and I at least SERVED this country! To each, their own, but I don't think it's fair that she is "demanding" to see the President. Top Worldwide Top Worldwide
The only reason they are making oil prices so high is because they can. This is BS. There is absolutely no reason to jack up prices! They are doing it just because they want to, and I think President Bush needs to investigate it. Appoint a special panel!!
The only reason they are making oil prices so high is because they can. This is BS. There is absolutely no reason to jack up prices! They are doing it just because they want to, and I think President Bush needs to investigate it. Appoint a special panel!!
Cindy Sheehan
Cindy Sheehan
This lady is getting on my nerves. She's not special. She doesn't get to talk to the President. I've never talked to him, and I at least SERVED this country! To each, their own, but I don't think it's fair that she is "demanding" to see the President.
This lady is getting on my nerves. She's not special. She doesn't get to talk to the President. I've never talked to him, and I at least SERVED this country! To each, their own, but I don't think it's fair that she is "demanding" to see the President. Top Worldwide Top Worldwide
The only reason they are making oil prices so high is because they can. This is BS. There is absolutely no reason to jack up prices! They are doing it just because they want to, and I think President Bush needs to investigate it. Appoint a special panel!!
The only reason they are making oil prices so high is because they can. This is BS. There is absolutely no reason to jack up prices! They are doing it just because they want to, and I think President Bush needs to investigate it. Appoint a special panel!!
LinuxWorld Pictures
For those of you that have not seen the few pictures I took at LinuxWorld. The link is also under "pictures on the right.
LinuxWorld Pictures
For those of you that have not seen the few pictures I took at LinuxWorld. The link is also under "pictures on the right.
Monday, August 22
Bookpool: LinuxWorld Live - Mark G. Sobell (Day 4)
Bookpool: LinuxWorld Live - Mark G. Sobell (Day 4):
"I talked with Jennifer Steffens of Snort who said that the new 2.4 release of Snort introduces target-based intrusion prevention."
If you click the link, then you'll see a lovely picture of me over there on the left! :)
"I talked with Jennifer Steffens of Snort who said that the new 2.4 release of Snort introduces target-based intrusion prevention."
If you click the link, then you'll see a lovely picture of me over there on the left! :)
Tuesday, August 16
Welcome to Windermere...
Welcome to Windermere...
I'm at Sourcefire Product training this week.. Pretty cool. Just thought i'd give you guys a preview..
I'm at Sourcefire Product training this week.. Pretty cool. Just thought i'd give you guys a preview..
Friday, August 12
Article on the Inet
Click here in my first week of work, I'm already sighted in the public. This guy that wrote that article took a picture of me and Jennifer Steffens (Director of Product Marketing) standing in front of our booth..
Article on the Inet
Click here in my first week of work, I'm already sighted in the public. This guy that wrote that article took a picture of me and Jennifer Steffens (Director of Product Marketing) standing in front of our booth..
Thursday, August 11
More from LinuxWorld.
Tired. Very Tired. Enjoying the trip but it is exhausting, I'll get a website together of all the pictures I've taken when I get back home. Some good shots.
More from LinuxWorld.
Tired. Very Tired. Enjoying the trip but it is exhausting, I'll get a website together of all the pictures I've taken when I get back home. Some good shots.
Tuesday, August 9
Just as a side note
Just as a side note, I thought it might be nice to tell you guys, sitting down next to Marty Roesch and have him explain how Snort is going to work for the next couple of years it really cool. Then him sitting down with you and taking the time to show you how the code works, (because it's already written).. it even cooler.
BTW -- I had a lot of questions about "can Snort run on OS X?". The Answer is yes. Why? Because it's coded on OS X!!
Didn't know that did you? Most of Snort's code is written in "vi" on mac os x. impressive.
Other than that, LinuxWorld is great. The food out here in San Francisco is fantastic, and if this week is anything like the preview of how it's going to be working for Sourcefire, this is going to be a very cool job.
BTW -- I had a lot of questions about "can Snort run on OS X?". The Answer is yes. Why? Because it's coded on OS X!!
Didn't know that did you? Most of Snort's code is written in "vi" on mac os x. impressive.
Other than that, LinuxWorld is great. The food out here in San Francisco is fantastic, and if this week is anything like the preview of how it's going to be working for Sourcefire, this is going to be a very cool job.
Monday, August 8
Hotel Palomar: A Union Square Hotel in San Francisco, California
Hotel Palomar: A Union Square Hotel in San Francisco, California
So, here I am, my first day of working for Sourcefire, (great company BTW).. and I'm stuck in this dive. (ahem) in San Francisco. Directly across the street from the apple store. Click here for store
So. I'm complaining. (Not)
So, here I am, my first day of working for Sourcefire, (great company BTW).. and I'm stuck in this dive. (ahem) in San Francisco. Directly across the street from the apple store. Click here for store
So. I'm complaining. (Not)
Saturday, August 6
12 great new features in Cisco IOS
12 great new features in Cisco IOS 12.3 (Tech Republic)
Cisco's IOS 12.3 and its sub-releases contain far more than basic incremental changes and bug fixes. Get a closer look at 12 of the most useful new changes, including Network Admission Control, Optimized Edge Routing, Dynamic Multipoint VPN, IPSec Stateful Failover, and more.
What the ability to not get hacked? That should be a good feature..
Cisco's IOS 12.3 and its sub-releases contain far more than basic incremental changes and bug fixes. Get a closer look at 12 of the most useful new changes, including Network Admission Control, Optimized Edge Routing, Dynamic Multipoint VPN, IPSec Stateful Failover, and more.
What the ability to not get hacked? That should be a good feature..
12 great new features in Cisco IOS
12 great new features in Cisco IOS 12.3 (Tech Republic)
Cisco's IOS 12.3 and its sub-releases contain far more than basic incremental changes and bug fixes. Get a closer look at 12 of the most useful new changes, including Network Admission Control, Optimized Edge Routing, Dynamic Multipoint VPN, IPSec Stateful Failover, and more.
What the ability to not get hacked? That should be a good feature..
Cisco's IOS 12.3 and its sub-releases contain far more than basic incremental changes and bug fixes. Get a closer look at 12 of the most useful new changes, including Network Admission Control, Optimized Edge Routing, Dynamic Multipoint VPN, IPSec Stateful Failover, and more.
What the ability to not get hacked? That should be a good feature..
Thursday, August 4
Wednesday, August 3 | Weather likely a factor in airport accident | Weather likely a factor in airport accident
"Likely factor"? Are you kidding me? It was pouring down rain! Thunder, lightning, wind... that kind of thing.. It was a likely factor my butt. It WAS the factor.
"Likely factor"? Are you kidding me? It was pouring down rain! Thunder, lightning, wind... that kind of thing.. It was a likely factor my butt. It WAS the factor.
Bush Remarks On 'Intelligent Design' Theory Fuel Debate
Bush Remarks On 'Intelligent Design' Theory Fuel Debate:
"President Bush said students 'ought to be exposed to different ideas.' (Gerald Herbert - AP)"
I think students should be presented with several different ideas or theories, and let them make up their own mind.
"President Bush said students 'ought to be exposed to different ideas.' (Gerald Herbert - AP)"
I think students should be presented with several different ideas or theories, and let them make up their own mind. - News - Security Firm Founder Hacks His Way To Probation - News - Security Firm Founder Hacks His Way To Probation:
"U.S. District Judge John S. Rhoades also placed Edward O'Keefe on probation for two years, ordered him to perform 100 hours of community service and instructed him to refrain from doing any work involving computer security while he's on probation, The San Diego Union-Tribune reported."
I don't know much about this story, so don't ask, but from what I have heard, this guy (in all of his infinate wisdom), hacked into Army Computers to prove he could. I remember it, but it was a couple years ago. Moronic move by this guy.
"U.S. District Judge John S. Rhoades also placed Edward O'Keefe on probation for two years, ordered him to perform 100 hours of community service and instructed him to refrain from doing any work involving computer security while he's on probation, The San Diego Union-Tribune reported."
I don't know much about this story, so don't ask, but from what I have heard, this guy (in all of his infinate wisdom), hacked into Army Computers to prove he could. I remember it, but it was a couple years ago. Moronic move by this guy.
Chicago Tribune | Aniston dishes on Pitt
Chicago Tribune | Aniston dishes on Pitt:
"On her ex's recently dyed blond hair, she says, 'Billy Idol called -- he wants his look back.'"
Dang!!! Anison trashing Pitt. That's pretty funny.
"On her ex's recently dyed blond hair, she says, 'Billy Idol called -- he wants his look back.'"
Dang!!! Anison trashing Pitt. That's pretty funny.
Wired News: Router Flaw Is a Ticking Bomb
Wired News: Router Flaw Is a Ticking Bomb
Excellent interview with Michael Lynn. The man who got his 15 minues of fame for busting out Cisco's wussy butt at Black-hat...
Excellent interview with Michael Lynn. The man who got his 15 minues of fame for busting out Cisco's wussy butt at Black-hat... | Weather likely a factor in airport accident | Weather likely a factor in airport accident
"Likely factor"? Are you kidding me? It was pouring down rain! Thunder, lightning, wind... that kind of thing.. It was a likely factor my butt. It WAS the factor.
"Likely factor"? Are you kidding me? It was pouring down rain! Thunder, lightning, wind... that kind of thing.. It was a likely factor my butt. It WAS the factor.
Bush Remarks On 'Intelligent Design' Theory Fuel Debate
Bush Remarks On 'Intelligent Design' Theory Fuel Debate:
"President Bush said students 'ought to be exposed to different ideas.' (Gerald Herbert - AP)"
I think students should be presented with several different ideas or theories, and let them make up their own mind.
"President Bush said students 'ought to be exposed to different ideas.' (Gerald Herbert - AP)"
I think students should be presented with several different ideas or theories, and let them make up their own mind. - News - Security Firm Founder Hacks His Way To Probation - News - Security Firm Founder Hacks His Way To Probation:
"U.S. District Judge John S. Rhoades also placed Edward O'Keefe on probation for two years, ordered him to perform 100 hours of community service and instructed him to refrain from doing any work involving computer security while he's on probation, The San Diego Union-Tribune reported."
I don't know much about this story, so don't ask, but from what I have heard, this guy (in all of his infinate wisdom), hacked into Army Computers to prove he could. I remember it, but it was a couple years ago. Moronic move by this guy.
"U.S. District Judge John S. Rhoades also placed Edward O'Keefe on probation for two years, ordered him to perform 100 hours of community service and instructed him to refrain from doing any work involving computer security while he's on probation, The San Diego Union-Tribune reported."
I don't know much about this story, so don't ask, but from what I have heard, this guy (in all of his infinate wisdom), hacked into Army Computers to prove he could. I remember it, but it was a couple years ago. Moronic move by this guy.
Chicago Tribune | Aniston dishes on Pitt
Chicago Tribune | Aniston dishes on Pitt:
"On her ex's recently dyed blond hair, she says, 'Billy Idol called -- he wants his look back.'"
Dang!!! Anison trashing Pitt. That's pretty funny.
"On her ex's recently dyed blond hair, she says, 'Billy Idol called -- he wants his look back.'"
Dang!!! Anison trashing Pitt. That's pretty funny.
Wired News: Router Flaw Is a Ticking Bomb
Wired News: Router Flaw Is a Ticking Bomb
Excellent interview with Michael Lynn. The man who got his 15 minues of fame for busting out Cisco's wussy butt at Black-hat...
Excellent interview with Michael Lynn. The man who got his 15 minues of fame for busting out Cisco's wussy butt at Black-hat...
Tuesday, August 2
Monday, August 1
Froggy Ruminations: A Warrior at Rest
Froggy Ruminations: A Warrior at Rest
Froggy, a fellow blogger, had the priviledge of attending a full Military Honors funeral, for a SEAL. Read all about it.
Froggy, a fellow blogger, had the priviledge of attending a full Military Honors funeral, for a SEAL. Read all about it.
Monday, July 25
Zero Day Initiative | 3Com | TippingPoint, a division of 3Com
Zero Day Initiative | 3Com | TippingPoint, a division of 3Com
Nice. Paying hackers to turn in their 0-days. Good idea.
Nice. Paying hackers to turn in their 0-days. Good idea.
PC Pro: News: Yahoo! buys Konfabulator
PC Pro: News: Yahoo! buys Konfabulator
Didn't see that coming! Wonder where Konfabulator will go now (besides have all kinds of ads)
Didn't see that coming! Wonder where Konfabulator will go now (besides have all kinds of ads)
Zero Day Initiative | 3Com | TippingPoint, a division of 3Com
Zero Day Initiative | 3Com | TippingPoint, a division of 3Com
Nice. Paying hackers to turn in their 0-days. Good idea.
Nice. Paying hackers to turn in their 0-days. Good idea.
PC Pro: News: Yahoo! buys Konfabulator
PC Pro: News: Yahoo! buys Konfabulator
Didn't see that coming! Wonder where Konfabulator will go now (besides have all kinds of ads)
Didn't see that coming! Wonder where Konfabulator will go now (besides have all kinds of ads)
Thursday, July 21
Change in jobs
Hey everyone..
Short post, but important (probably the most important)..
Starting 5 Aug 2005, I will no longer be working for the RCERT-S. I will instead, starting 8 Aug 2005, be working for: SOURCEfire, the makers of Snort. The IDS.
Pretty much anyone who reads my blog is going to know who that is. But I just thought I would let you all know.
Short post, but important (probably the most important)..
Starting 5 Aug 2005, I will no longer be working for the RCERT-S. I will instead, starting 8 Aug 2005, be working for: SOURCEfire, the makers of Snort. The IDS.
Pretty much anyone who reads my blog is going to know who that is. But I just thought I would let you all know.
Tuesday, July 19
Windows flaw reaches beyond XP
Windows flaw reaches beyond XP
As if you were surprised ladies and gentlemen. Another flaw in Windows. Apparently having to do with the Remote Desktop Protocol.
As if you were surprised ladies and gentlemen. Another flaw in Windows. Apparently having to do with the Remote Desktop Protocol.
Windows flaw reaches beyond XP
Windows flaw reaches beyond XP
As if you were surprised ladies and gentlemen. Another flaw in Windows. Apparently having to do with the Remote Desktop Protocol.
As if you were surprised ladies and gentlemen. Another flaw in Windows. Apparently having to do with the Remote Desktop Protocol.
Friday, July 15
In smarts, she's a perfect 10
In smarts, she's a perfect 10
10 year old gets her MCP. Either it's so easy that a 10 year old can do it, or she's an extremely bright girl. Don't get me wrong, I think that the girl is Smart, but I am not a fan of Microsoft certifications as it is (that's why i don't have any), i think they are all BS.
10 year old gets her MCP. Either it's so easy that a 10 year old can do it, or she's an extremely bright girl. Don't get me wrong, I think that the girl is Smart, but I am not a fan of Microsoft certifications as it is (that's why i don't have any), i think they are all BS.
Els chases after Tiger
Els chases after Tiger
Yeah, but the news is. Tiger is winning. Quit trying to spin it so that it seems like other people are doing good. Tiger kicks all the butt.
Yeah, but the news is. Tiger is winning. Quit trying to spin it so that it seems like other people are doing good. Tiger kicks all the butt.
In smarts, she's a perfect 10
In smarts, she's a perfect 10
10 year old gets her MCP. Either it's so easy that a 10 year old can do it, or she's an extremely bright girl. Don't get me wrong, I think that the girl is Smart, but I am not a fan of Microsoft certifications as it is (that's why i don't have any), i think they are all BS.
10 year old gets her MCP. Either it's so easy that a 10 year old can do it, or she's an extremely bright girl. Don't get me wrong, I think that the girl is Smart, but I am not a fan of Microsoft certifications as it is (that's why i don't have any), i think they are all BS.
Els chases after Tiger
Els chases after Tiger
Yeah, but the news is. Tiger is winning. Quit trying to spin it so that it seems like other people are doing good. Tiger kicks all the butt.
Yeah, but the news is. Tiger is winning. Quit trying to spin it so that it seems like other people are doing good. Tiger kicks all the butt.
Tuesday, July 12
NIMF Stirs GTA Hot Coffee Debate to Next Level
NIMF Stirs GTA Hot Coffee Debate to Next Level
Apparently there is a mod for GTA3 San Andreas that allows you to have sex with a girl. Pretty graphically... (the "hot coffee" mod)
I'm not posting any screenshots, so don't ask.. Go Google it.
Apparently there is a mod for GTA3 San Andreas that allows you to have sex with a girl. Pretty graphically... (the "hot coffee" mod)
I'm not posting any screenshots, so don't ask.. Go Google it.
NIMF Stirs GTA Hot Coffee Debate to Next Level
NIMF Stirs GTA Hot Coffee Debate to Next Level
Apparently there is a mod for GTA3 San Andreas that allows you to have sex with a girl. Pretty graphically... (the "hot coffee" mod)
I'm not posting any screenshots, so don't ask.. Go Google it.
Apparently there is a mod for GTA3 San Andreas that allows you to have sex with a girl. Pretty graphically... (the "hot coffee" mod)
I'm not posting any screenshots, so don't ask.. Go Google it.
SC Magazine Declares Sourcefire(R) Best IPS Product in Independent Test of 12 Leading Vendors; Sourcefire Leads All Major IPS Vendors Including ISS, M
Monday, July 11
PowerMac G5 Review (cont)
The only change I made was to go to Spotlight, search for "Quartz" and open "Quartz debug". I enabled Quartz 2d extreme mode (from the drop down menu) and then went about my merry way. Believe it or not.
It made it even faster.
It made it even faster.
PowerMac G5 Review (cont)
The only change I made was to go to Spotlight, search for "Quartz" and open "Quartz debug". I enabled Quartz 2d extreme mode (from the drop down menu) and then went about my merry way. Believe it or not.
It made it even faster.
It made it even faster.
For this shuttle flight, safety becomes an obsession |
For this shuttle flight, safety becomes an obsession |
The title of this article pisses me off! Shouldn't safety be an obsession for every shuttle mission ???!!
The title of this article pisses me off! Shouldn't safety be an obsession for every shuttle mission ???!!
PowerMac G5 Review
Okay, I've had my PowerMac for about 2 weeks now, and I thought I'd go ahead and write my opinion.
First, let me give you a rundown on the product I own:
PowerMac PPC Dual 2.0 G5 Processors (64 bit processors)
512 MB of RAM
9650 AGP ATI Video Card
Sony DVD RW (Writes DVD's and CD's)
Dual Firewire, Triple USB 2.0
Max OS X 10.4.1 Tiger
So, it's a pretty high speed machine.
First things first.. This thing is fast. This is easily the fastest computer I have ever used. When I click on something, it appears. The only thing that takes a bit of a minute to start is "America's Army" (The Game).. but.. it's a 3-D Game!!
I ditched the Apple single button mouse. That thing stinks. It's touch sensitive, you can't rest your hand on it, it will click. Kinda stinks. So I had a spare USB logitech mouse sitting around here, plugged it into the back of the Apple Keyboard and it worked immediately.
It's the typical Mac keyboard that comes with every Tower Mac. It's a bit wierd to type on, as they keys are soft. It's rather uncomfortable as well, but then again, I'm about full-blown carpal tunnel too. So I really need to think about getting one of those high speed Ergonomic keyboards.
I had an 18" MAG Innovision display. It's VGA, and the Mac by nature is DVI. But Apple gives you a nice converter. Doesn't matter, I still want the Apple Display, it's HD, and DVI. That's so nice.
Video Card:
I opted for the 9650 with 256 MB of RAM. It's a fast card... But mainly bought it because it has two DVI outs. (This is the card you have to have to run the 30 inch display)... But I'll never get the 30 in display unless they come down off their price a bit. Otherwise I'm quite happy with the 20 monitor I want to get.
I plugged it in, it immediately had an IP, and I could go to "Network" and view all the other Windows and Mac machines I have on my network. It was nice.
iPhoto: Works great. I continue to add my photos in there.
iTunes: I just copied my Tunes from my iBook on over, work great.
Dashboard: Pretty cool!
Spotlight: This WILL revolutionize how we use our computers. Smart Folders too. That's nice.
I used my .mac account to sync everything between the iBook and the PowerMac, works great.
I installed my Tools for managing my UPS (came with the UPS), works.
Adium (Multi-IM'ing Program)
Bittorrent (So I could download America's Army)
Fink & Fink Commander
MacTheRipper (DVD Ripper)
X-Chat Aqua (IRC program)
Windows Media Player
Transparent Dock
First, let me give you a rundown on the product I own:
PowerMac PPC Dual 2.0 G5 Processors (64 bit processors)
512 MB of RAM
9650 AGP ATI Video Card
Sony DVD RW (Writes DVD's and CD's)
Dual Firewire, Triple USB 2.0
Max OS X 10.4.1 Tiger
So, it's a pretty high speed machine.
First things first.. This thing is fast. This is easily the fastest computer I have ever used. When I click on something, it appears. The only thing that takes a bit of a minute to start is "America's Army" (The Game).. but.. it's a 3-D Game!!
I ditched the Apple single button mouse. That thing stinks. It's touch sensitive, you can't rest your hand on it, it will click. Kinda stinks. So I had a spare USB logitech mouse sitting around here, plugged it into the back of the Apple Keyboard and it worked immediately.
It's the typical Mac keyboard that comes with every Tower Mac. It's a bit wierd to type on, as they keys are soft. It's rather uncomfortable as well, but then again, I'm about full-blown carpal tunnel too. So I really need to think about getting one of those high speed Ergonomic keyboards.
I had an 18" MAG Innovision display. It's VGA, and the Mac by nature is DVI. But Apple gives you a nice converter. Doesn't matter, I still want the Apple Display, it's HD, and DVI. That's so nice.
Video Card:
I opted for the 9650 with 256 MB of RAM. It's a fast card... But mainly bought it because it has two DVI outs. (This is the card you have to have to run the 30 inch display)... But I'll never get the 30 in display unless they come down off their price a bit. Otherwise I'm quite happy with the 20 monitor I want to get.
I plugged it in, it immediately had an IP, and I could go to "Network" and view all the other Windows and Mac machines I have on my network. It was nice.
iPhoto: Works great. I continue to add my photos in there.
iTunes: I just copied my Tunes from my iBook on over, work great.
Dashboard: Pretty cool!
Spotlight: This WILL revolutionize how we use our computers. Smart Folders too. That's nice.
I used my .mac account to sync everything between the iBook and the PowerMac, works great.
I installed my Tools for managing my UPS (came with the UPS), works.
Adium (Multi-IM'ing Program)
Bittorrent (So I could download America's Army)
Fink & Fink Commander
MacTheRipper (DVD Ripper)
X-Chat Aqua (IRC program)
Windows Media Player
Transparent Dock
G8 Protests: Police Officer Beaten : SF Indymedia
G8 Protests: Police Officer Beaten : SF Indymedia
Apparently over the weekend, a cop got his butt beat by protesters in San Fran.
Executions are allowed in CA right? Terminate him Arnold...!!
Apparently over the weekend, a cop got his butt beat by protesters in San Fran.
Executions are allowed in CA right? Terminate him Arnold...!!
For this shuttle flight, safety becomes an obsession |
For this shuttle flight, safety becomes an obsession |
The title of this article pisses me off! Shouldn't safety be an obsession for every shuttle mission ???!!
The title of this article pisses me off! Shouldn't safety be an obsession for every shuttle mission ???!!
G8 Protests: Police Officer Beaten : SF Indymedia
G8 Protests: Police Officer Beaten : SF Indymedia
Apparently over the weekend, a cop got his butt beat by protesters in San Fran.
Executions are allowed in CA right? Terminate him Arnold...!!
Apparently over the weekend, a cop got his butt beat by protesters in San Fran.
Executions are allowed in CA right? Terminate him Arnold...!!
Sunday, July 10
O'Connor, Rehnquist and the Future of the Court - Yahoo! News
O'Connor, Rehnquist and the Future of the Court - Yahoo! News
Here we go with the battle. This is one news topic I am not looking forward to hearing about for the next however long... :(
Here we go with the battle. This is one news topic I am not looking forward to hearing about for the next however long... :(
O'Connor, Rehnquist and the Future of the Court - Yahoo! News
O'Connor, Rehnquist and the Future of the Court - Yahoo! News
Here we go with the battle. This is one news topic I am not looking forward to hearing about for the next however long... :(
Here we go with the battle. This is one news topic I am not looking forward to hearing about for the next however long... :(
Wednesday, July 6 Top Worldwide Top Worldwide
Oh! Now we're blaming Hurricane's for high oil prices? Come on!! It's just someone's big idea to get more money from the oil industry. I call for a protest!!
Oh! Now we're blaming Hurricane's for high oil prices? Come on!! It's just someone's big idea to get more money from the oil industry. I call for a protest!! Top Worldwide Top Worldwide
Oh! Now we're blaming Hurricane's for high oil prices? Come on!! It's just someone's big idea to get more money from the oil industry. I call for a protest!!
Oh! Now we're blaming Hurricane's for high oil prices? Come on!! It's just someone's big idea to get more money from the oil industry. I call for a protest!! - Hurricanes - Latest Models Put Dennis West Of Central Fla. - Hurricanes - Latest Models Put Dennis West Of Central Fla.
And so it begin, this years latest round of hurricans coming up here to smash me..
And so it begin, this years latest round of hurricans coming up here to smash me.. - Hurricanes - Latest Models Put Dennis West Of Central Fla. - Hurricanes - Latest Models Put Dennis West Of Central Fla.
And so it begin, this years latest round of hurricans coming up here to smash me..
And so it begin, this years latest round of hurricans coming up here to smash me..
Tuesday, July 5
Monday, July 4
I recently (this past weekend) took a trip to Tennessee. I would like to that the Department of Motor Vehicles and Transportation Bureaus for keeping the roads relatively free of traffic. The trip was a delight, and despite what other drivers thought, it was a great drive. Thanks!
On the other hand, I had a great time up there, and look forward to returning!!
On the other hand, I had a great time up there, and look forward to returning!!
I recently (this past weekend) took a trip to Tennessee. I would like to that the Department of Motor Vehicles and Transportation Bureaus for keeping the roads relatively free of traffic. The trip was a delight, and despite what other drivers thought, it was a great drive. Thanks!
On the other hand, I had a great time up there, and look forward to returning!!
On the other hand, I had a great time up there, and look forward to returning!!
Thursday, June 30
Welp -- My thoughts on God.
Well, it's 1:00, so much for FedEx efficiency.. My Mac is not here yet.
Okay, well in response to the religious discussion we've been having on there, let me give me give my revamped conclusions.
1. I am not very religious
--> I just want to have an understanding.
2. I do not believe in a "religion" (ex. Baptist, Catholic, Muslim, Hindu)
--> The Church is in our hearts. Not in a "steepled" facility. Church is where you are.
4. God never said he was a "Christian"
--> Christian is a word we invented as Humans. God just is.
5. God didn't say he was anything.
--> God said that we are God. We are all a part of Him, as He is a part of Us.
6. God said "I am God."
--> They (God) don't need to. We (humans) know this. Even though we do not believe it.
7. If the Ten Commandments are law. There should be more.
--> Humans made up laws to try and tell others what to do. The Truth is, is that God already knows what you are going to do. He knew a billion years ago. The reality of this life is that you have to understand WHY.
8. God should appoint some dude on Earth as his representative, that dude should be over all Governments and Courts, and when a decision gets that high, that dude should turn around and ask God, hey God, whatcha think... and then therefore.. it is.
--> He did. All of us. All of us are his represenatives. Free Choice allows us to follow Him or not.
9. The Bible is the Bible. It's black and white. It's not open for interpretation, it's law, follow it. Although I am sure all of us would love to sit down and talk to God and ask him what he meant by certain things.
10. God didn't write the Bible. Men did. God inspired it.
--> The Bible is ours. It's Human. Written by Humans. God told them what to write, but they filtered it. No movie or book or other human explanation of the Divine is literally true. Not even the Bible. We all know this. The authors of the Bible wrote it through their personal filters.
1. If Jesus is God's son, how are Jesus, God, and they Holy Spirit, one person? Isn't that physically impossible? And when Jesus died, he said "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit". So Jesus Died. Gave his spirit to God, who again, is a different person. But I thought they were one?
--> To refer to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as three seperate entities is wrong. Jesus was a human incarnation of the Energy that which is is God. God is Energy (or an Energy) the "Holy Spirit" is the essence of that Energy.
2. Who is the Pope?
--> A human. A Human who has dedicated his whole being to serving God. Only the rest of us should be so lucky. But he's isn't special. All of us have the same communication with God that he does. We are God, God is Us.
3. Who is right?
--> God.
4. Should we stop interpreting the Bible and start following it?
--> You should find meaning in the Bible, and follow God.
5. How does the Bible fit into modern society? For example, Abortion.. Bible says it's wrong... Okay... Well Someone rapes your 11 year old daughter, and she becomes pregnant.. is it wrong then? If you say, "Well the Rape should have never taken place in the first place" Good point. I agree.. But it happened... what now?
--> There is no death. The energy just moves. Maybe it will return in another physical form later. Life never end. It never begins. You can't kill anything or anyone, the Energy just moves. Nothing happens against the will of God. Life, and all that is occurring, is an expression of God's will--read that, your will--made manifest. Human will is God's will. There is only one of us. God and Humans. Life is God's will, expressed perfectly. Humans can't decide to end a life. They can't. Life doesn't die.
Okay, well in response to the religious discussion we've been having on there, let me give me give my revamped conclusions.
1. I am not very religious
--> I just want to have an understanding.
2. I do not believe in a "religion" (ex. Baptist, Catholic, Muslim, Hindu)
--> The Church is in our hearts. Not in a "steepled" facility. Church is where you are.
4. God never said he was a "Christian"
--> Christian is a word we invented as Humans. God just is.
5. God didn't say he was anything.
--> God said that we are God. We are all a part of Him, as He is a part of Us.
6. God said "I am God."
--> They (God) don't need to. We (humans) know this. Even though we do not believe it.
7. If the Ten Commandments are law. There should be more.
--> Humans made up laws to try and tell others what to do. The Truth is, is that God already knows what you are going to do. He knew a billion years ago. The reality of this life is that you have to understand WHY.
8. God should appoint some dude on Earth as his representative, that dude should be over all Governments and Courts, and when a decision gets that high, that dude should turn around and ask God, hey God, whatcha think... and then therefore.. it is.
--> He did. All of us. All of us are his represenatives. Free Choice allows us to follow Him or not.
9. The Bible is the Bible. It's black and white. It's not open for interpretation, it's law, follow it. Although I am sure all of us would love to sit down and talk to God and ask him what he meant by certain things.
10. God didn't write the Bible. Men did. God inspired it.
--> The Bible is ours. It's Human. Written by Humans. God told them what to write, but they filtered it. No movie or book or other human explanation of the Divine is literally true. Not even the Bible. We all know this. The authors of the Bible wrote it through their personal filters.
1. If Jesus is God's son, how are Jesus, God, and they Holy Spirit, one person? Isn't that physically impossible? And when Jesus died, he said "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit". So Jesus Died. Gave his spirit to God, who again, is a different person. But I thought they were one?
--> To refer to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as three seperate entities is wrong. Jesus was a human incarnation of the Energy that which is is God. God is Energy (or an Energy) the "Holy Spirit" is the essence of that Energy.
2. Who is the Pope?
--> A human. A Human who has dedicated his whole being to serving God. Only the rest of us should be so lucky. But he's isn't special. All of us have the same communication with God that he does. We are God, God is Us.
3. Who is right?
--> God.
4. Should we stop interpreting the Bible and start following it?
--> You should find meaning in the Bible, and follow God.
5. How does the Bible fit into modern society? For example, Abortion.. Bible says it's wrong... Okay... Well Someone rapes your 11 year old daughter, and she becomes pregnant.. is it wrong then? If you say, "Well the Rape should have never taken place in the first place" Good point. I agree.. But it happened... what now?
--> There is no death. The energy just moves. Maybe it will return in another physical form later. Life never end. It never begins. You can't kill anything or anyone, the Energy just moves. Nothing happens against the will of God. Life, and all that is occurring, is an expression of God's will--read that, your will--made manifest. Human will is God's will. There is only one of us. God and Humans. Life is God's will, expressed perfectly. Humans can't decide to end a life. They can't. Life doesn't die.
Another Milestone reached
I've reached another milestone. Twice as many hits as last month. More than 13000! Judging by the law of averages, I may reach 14000 by the end of today (last day of the month)... That's cool.
Welp -- My thoughts on God.
Well, it's 1:00, so much for FedEx efficiency.. My Mac is not here yet.
Okay, well in response to the religious discussion we've been having on there, let me give me give my revamped conclusions.
1. I am not very religious
--> I just want to have an understanding.
2. I do not believe in a "religion" (ex. Baptist, Catholic, Muslim, Hindu)
--> The Church is in our hearts. Not in a "steepled" facility. Church is where you are.
4. God never said he was a "Christian"
--> Christian is a word we invented as Humans. God just is.
5. God didn't say he was anything.
--> God said that we are God. We are all a part of Him, as He is a part of Us.
6. God said "I am God."
--> They (God) don't need to. We (humans) know this. Even though we do not believe it.
7. If the Ten Commandments are law. There should be more.
--> Humans made up laws to try and tell others what to do. The Truth is, is that God already knows what you are going to do. He knew a billion years ago. The reality of this life is that you have to understand WHY.
8. God should appoint some dude on Earth as his representative, that dude should be over all Governments and Courts, and when a decision gets that high, that dude should turn around and ask God, hey God, whatcha think... and then therefore.. it is.
--> He did. All of us. All of us are his represenatives. Free Choice allows us to follow Him or not.
9. The Bible is the Bible. It's black and white. It's not open for interpretation, it's law, follow it. Although I am sure all of us would love to sit down and talk to God and ask him what he meant by certain things.
10. God didn't write the Bible. Men did. God inspired it.
--> The Bible is ours. It's Human. Written by Humans. God told them what to write, but they filtered it. No movie or book or other human explanation of the Divine is literally true. Not even the Bible. We all know this. The authors of the Bible wrote it through their personal filters.
1. If Jesus is God's son, how are Jesus, God, and they Holy Spirit, one person? Isn't that physically impossible? And when Jesus died, he said "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit". So Jesus Died. Gave his spirit to God, who again, is a different person. But I thought they were one?
--> To refer to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as three seperate entities is wrong. Jesus was a human incarnation of the Energy that which is is God. God is Energy (or an Energy) the "Holy Spirit" is the essence of that Energy.
2. Who is the Pope?
--> A human. A Human who has dedicated his whole being to serving God. Only the rest of us should be so lucky. But he's isn't special. All of us have the same communication with God that he does. We are God, God is Us.
3. Who is right?
--> God.
4. Should we stop interpreting the Bible and start following it?
--> You should find meaning in the Bible, and follow God.
5. How does the Bible fit into modern society? For example, Abortion.. Bible says it's wrong... Okay... Well Someone rapes your 11 year old daughter, and she becomes pregnant.. is it wrong then? If you say, "Well the Rape should have never taken place in the first place" Good point. I agree.. But it happened... what now?
--> There is no death. The energy just moves. Maybe it will return in another physical form later. Life never end. It never begins. You can't kill anything or anyone, the Energy just moves. Nothing happens against the will of God. Life, and all that is occurring, is an expression of God's will--read that, your will--made manifest. Human will is God's will. There is only one of us. God and Humans. Life is God's will, expressed perfectly. Humans can't decide to end a life. They can't. Life doesn't die.
Okay, well in response to the religious discussion we've been having on there, let me give me give my revamped conclusions.
1. I am not very religious
--> I just want to have an understanding.
2. I do not believe in a "religion" (ex. Baptist, Catholic, Muslim, Hindu)
--> The Church is in our hearts. Not in a "steepled" facility. Church is where you are.
4. God never said he was a "Christian"
--> Christian is a word we invented as Humans. God just is.
5. God didn't say he was anything.
--> God said that we are God. We are all a part of Him, as He is a part of Us.
6. God said "I am God."
--> They (God) don't need to. We (humans) know this. Even though we do not believe it.
7. If the Ten Commandments are law. There should be more.
--> Humans made up laws to try and tell others what to do. The Truth is, is that God already knows what you are going to do. He knew a billion years ago. The reality of this life is that you have to understand WHY.
8. God should appoint some dude on Earth as his representative, that dude should be over all Governments and Courts, and when a decision gets that high, that dude should turn around and ask God, hey God, whatcha think... and then therefore.. it is.
--> He did. All of us. All of us are his represenatives. Free Choice allows us to follow Him or not.
9. The Bible is the Bible. It's black and white. It's not open for interpretation, it's law, follow it. Although I am sure all of us would love to sit down and talk to God and ask him what he meant by certain things.
10. God didn't write the Bible. Men did. God inspired it.
--> The Bible is ours. It's Human. Written by Humans. God told them what to write, but they filtered it. No movie or book or other human explanation of the Divine is literally true. Not even the Bible. We all know this. The authors of the Bible wrote it through their personal filters.
1. If Jesus is God's son, how are Jesus, God, and they Holy Spirit, one person? Isn't that physically impossible? And when Jesus died, he said "Father, into your hands I commend my spirit". So Jesus Died. Gave his spirit to God, who again, is a different person. But I thought they were one?
--> To refer to God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit as three seperate entities is wrong. Jesus was a human incarnation of the Energy that which is is God. God is Energy (or an Energy) the "Holy Spirit" is the essence of that Energy.
2. Who is the Pope?
--> A human. A Human who has dedicated his whole being to serving God. Only the rest of us should be so lucky. But he's isn't special. All of us have the same communication with God that he does. We are God, God is Us.
3. Who is right?
--> God.
4. Should we stop interpreting the Bible and start following it?
--> You should find meaning in the Bible, and follow God.
5. How does the Bible fit into modern society? For example, Abortion.. Bible says it's wrong... Okay... Well Someone rapes your 11 year old daughter, and she becomes pregnant.. is it wrong then? If you say, "Well the Rape should have never taken place in the first place" Good point. I agree.. But it happened... what now?
--> There is no death. The energy just moves. Maybe it will return in another physical form later. Life never end. It never begins. You can't kill anything or anyone, the Energy just moves. Nothing happens against the will of God. Life, and all that is occurring, is an expression of God's will--read that, your will--made manifest. Human will is God's will. There is only one of us. God and Humans. Life is God's will, expressed perfectly. Humans can't decide to end a life. They can't. Life doesn't die.
Another Milestone reached
I've reached another milestone. Twice as many hits as last month. More than 13000! Judging by the law of averages, I may reach 14000 by the end of today (last day of the month)... That's cool.
Wednesday, June 29
Respect for the soldier
What follows is a message from Vicki Pierce about her nephew James' funeral (he was serving our country in Iraq): "I'm back, it was certainly a quick trip, but I have to also say it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. There is a lot to be said for growing up in a small town in Texas.
The service itself was impressive with wonderful flowers and sprays, a portrait of James, his uniform and boots, his awards and ribbons. There was lots of military brass and an eloquent (though inappropriately longwinded) Baptist preacher. There were easily 1000 people at the service, filling the church sanctuary as well as the fellowship hall and spilling out into the parking lot.
However, the most incredible thing was what happened following the service on the way to the cemetery. We went to our cars and drove to the cemetery escorted by at least 10 police cars with lights flashing and some other emergency vehicles, with Texas Rangers handling traffic. Everyone on the road who was not in the procession, pulled over, got out of their cars, and stood silently and respectfully, some put their hands over their hearts, some had small flags. Shop keepers came outside with their customers and did the same thing. Construction workers stopped their work, got off their equipment and put their hands over their hearts, too. There was no noise whatsoever except a few birds and the quiet hum of cars going slowly up the road.
When we turned off the highway suddenly there were teenage boys along both sides of the street about every 20 feet or so, all holding large American flags on long flag poles, and again with their hands on their hearts. We thought at first it was the Boy Scouts or 4H club or something, but it continued .... for two and a half miles. Hundreds of young people, standing silently on the side of the road with flags. At one point we passed an elementary school, and all the children were outside, shoulder to shoulder holding flags ... kindergartners, handicapped, teachers, staff, everyone. Some held signs of love and support. Then came teenage girls and younger boys, all holding flags. Then adults. Then families. All standing silently on the side of the road. No one spoke, not even the very young children. The last few turns found people crowded together holding flags or with their hands on their hearts. Some were on horseback.
The military least two generals, a fist full of colonels, and representatives from every branch of the service, plus the color guard which attended James, and some who served with him ... was very impressive and respectful, but the love and pride from this community who had lost one of their own was the most amazing thing I've ever been privileged to witness.
I've attached some pictures, some are blurry (we were moving), but you can get a small idea of what this was like. Thanks so much for all the prayers and support."
Going into the Military
Recently, secretly, (I've haven't told my wife about my thoughts) I've been thinking about going back into the Army.
Actually, I've been thinking about what it would be like if I went back into the Military. It's a different Army now then when I got out. The Soliders are different, but it is also weaker (IMO). They promote everyone to E-5 (read: I didn't say "NCO", you have to earn the righ to be an NCO) without even going to a promotion board!!
I miss the guys. I miss the life, the fun, the deployments, (the 30 days vacation). The Army is a great place, and I loved it when I was in. I got out just before the war started (actually was Medically discharged) and missed the whole thing. Sad.
Ironically, I can't go back in. The only way I could get back in is with a Medical waiver. The only job I could do would be a secretary (back injury)... I'd want to go back in as infantry, and I know my back couldn't physically handle it, so that kinda dashes my possibilities.
But I miss it.
Do I believe that everyone should serve? Yes. Do I believe that everyone is eligible to serve? No.
Actually, I've been thinking about what it would be like if I went back into the Military. It's a different Army now then when I got out. The Soliders are different, but it is also weaker (IMO). They promote everyone to E-5 (read: I didn't say "NCO", you have to earn the righ to be an NCO) without even going to a promotion board!!
I miss the guys. I miss the life, the fun, the deployments, (the 30 days vacation). The Army is a great place, and I loved it when I was in. I got out just before the war started (actually was Medically discharged) and missed the whole thing. Sad.
Ironically, I can't go back in. The only way I could get back in is with a Medical waiver. The only job I could do would be a secretary (back injury)... I'd want to go back in as infantry, and I know my back couldn't physically handle it, so that kinda dashes my possibilities.
But I miss it.
Do I believe that everyone should serve? Yes. Do I believe that everyone is eligible to serve? No.
Space -- Deep Impact
I think this is kinda cool. Imagine the people working on this though..
You have to aim a spaceship at a comet, which, by launching it in certain direction you have to aim a this little dot, where you think the little dot will be in 6 months. That's gotta suck.
I think this is kinda cool. Imagine the people working on this though..
You have to aim a spaceship at a comet, which, by launching it in certain direction you have to aim a this little dot, where you think the little dot will be in 6 months. That's gotta suck.
Cablevision Teams With Narad to Deliver Fastest Two-Way Broadband Experience in the New York Metropolitan Area
Cablevision Teams With Narad to Deliver Fastest Two-Way Broadband Experience in the New York Metropolitan Area:
"In the initial targeted deployment of this high-speed service in Oyster Bay, Long Island, Cablevision is providing a committed information rate of 50 Mbps, out of the available 100 Mbps, symmetrical services."
That's pretty cool. Those are the machines that all the sckipt kiddies need to target to get a hold of for botnet control, DOS, and the wonderful Blaster Worm.
"In the initial targeted deployment of this high-speed service in Oyster Bay, Long Island, Cablevision is providing a committed information rate of 50 Mbps, out of the available 100 Mbps, symmetrical services."
That's pretty cool. Those are the machines that all the sckipt kiddies need to target to get a hold of for botnet control, DOS, and the wonderful Blaster Worm.
Respect for the soldier
What follows is a message from Vicki Pierce about her nephew James' funeral (he was serving our country in Iraq): "I'm back, it was certainly a quick trip, but I have to also say it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. There is a lot to be said for growing up in a small town in Texas.
The service itself was impressive with wonderful flowers and sprays, a portrait of James, his uniform and boots, his awards and ribbons. There was lots of military brass and an eloquent (though inappropriately longwinded) Baptist preacher. There were easily 1000 people at the service, filling the church sanctuary as well as the fellowship hall and spilling out into the parking lot.
However, the most incredible thing was what happened following the service on the way to the cemetery. We went to our cars and drove to the cemetery escorted by at least 10 police cars with lights flashing and some other emergency vehicles, with Texas Rangers handling traffic. Everyone on the road who was not in the procession, pulled over, got out of their cars, and stood silently and respectfully, some put their hands over their hearts, some had small flags. Shop keepers came outside with their customers and did the same thing. Construction workers stopped their work, got off their equipment and put their hands over their hearts, too. There was no noise whatsoever except a few birds and the quiet hum of cars going slowly up the road.
When we turned off the highway suddenly there were teenage boys along both sides of the street about every 20 feet or so, all holding large American flags on long flag poles, and again with their hands on their hearts. We thought at first it was the Boy Scouts or 4H club or something, but it continued .... for two and a half miles. Hundreds of young people, standing silently on the side of the road with flags. At one point we passed an elementary school, and all the children were outside, shoulder to shoulder holding flags ... kindergartners, handicapped, teachers, staff, everyone. Some held signs of love and support. Then came teenage girls and younger boys, all holding flags. Then adults. Then families. All standing silently on the side of the road. No one spoke, not even the very young children. The last few turns found people crowded together holding flags or with their hands on their hearts. Some were on horseback.
The military least two generals, a fist full of colonels, and representatives from every branch of the service, plus the color guard which attended James, and some who served with him ... was very impressive and respectful, but the love and pride from this community who had lost one of their own was the most amazing thing I've ever been privileged to witness.
I've attached some pictures, some are blurry (we were moving), but you can get a small idea of what this was like. Thanks so much for all the prayers and support."
Going into the Military
Recently, secretly, (I've haven't told my wife about my thoughts) I've been thinking about going back into the Army.
Actually, I've been thinking about what it would be like if I went back into the Military. It's a different Army now then when I got out. The Soliders are different, but it is also weaker (IMO). They promote everyone to E-5 (read: I didn't say "NCO", you have to earn the righ to be an NCO) without even going to a promotion board!!
I miss the guys. I miss the life, the fun, the deployments, (the 30 days vacation). The Army is a great place, and I loved it when I was in. I got out just before the war started (actually was Medically discharged) and missed the whole thing. Sad.
Ironically, I can't go back in. The only way I could get back in is with a Medical waiver. The only job I could do would be a secretary (back injury)... I'd want to go back in as infantry, and I know my back couldn't physically handle it, so that kinda dashes my possibilities.
But I miss it.
Do I believe that everyone should serve? Yes. Do I believe that everyone is eligible to serve? No.
Actually, I've been thinking about what it would be like if I went back into the Military. It's a different Army now then when I got out. The Soliders are different, but it is also weaker (IMO). They promote everyone to E-5 (read: I didn't say "NCO", you have to earn the righ to be an NCO) without even going to a promotion board!!
I miss the guys. I miss the life, the fun, the deployments, (the 30 days vacation). The Army is a great place, and I loved it when I was in. I got out just before the war started (actually was Medically discharged) and missed the whole thing. Sad.
Ironically, I can't go back in. The only way I could get back in is with a Medical waiver. The only job I could do would be a secretary (back injury)... I'd want to go back in as infantry, and I know my back couldn't physically handle it, so that kinda dashes my possibilities.
But I miss it.
Do I believe that everyone should serve? Yes. Do I believe that everyone is eligible to serve? No.
Space -- Deep Impact
I think this is kinda cool. Imagine the people working on this though..
You have to aim a spaceship at a comet, which, by launching it in certain direction you have to aim a this little dot, where you think the little dot will be in 6 months. That's gotta suck.
I think this is kinda cool. Imagine the people working on this though..
You have to aim a spaceship at a comet, which, by launching it in certain direction you have to aim a this little dot, where you think the little dot will be in 6 months. That's gotta suck.
Cablevision Teams With Narad to Deliver Fastest Two-Way Broadband Experience in the New York Metropolitan Area
Cablevision Teams With Narad to Deliver Fastest Two-Way Broadband Experience in the New York Metropolitan Area:
"In the initial targeted deployment of this high-speed service in Oyster Bay, Long Island, Cablevision is providing a committed information rate of 50 Mbps, out of the available 100 Mbps, symmetrical services."
That's pretty cool. Those are the machines that all the sckipt kiddies need to target to get a hold of for botnet control, DOS, and the wonderful Blaster Worm.
"In the initial targeted deployment of this high-speed service in Oyster Bay, Long Island, Cablevision is providing a committed information rate of 50 Mbps, out of the available 100 Mbps, symmetrical services."
That's pretty cool. Those are the machines that all the sckipt kiddies need to target to get a hold of for botnet control, DOS, and the wonderful Blaster Worm.
Tuesday, June 28
Mini-ITX Weather Radar Display Project for NWS NEXRAD Doppler Radar
Mini-ITX Weather Radar Display Project for NWS NEXRAD Doppler Radar
Category: Case-Mods
Guy took a Weather Radar and made it into a computer case (or something like that.)
Category: Case-Mods
Guy took a Weather Radar and made it into a computer case (or something like that.) > News > Nation -- Ten Commandments, 2 rulings > News > Nation -- Ten Commandments, 2 rulings
I think Clarence Thomas said it best. They should throw out what they have been "interpreting" the consititution as, and read it for the black and white it is. Quit making up laws, read the damn thing and interpret it as such.
I think Clarence Thomas said it best. They should throw out what they have been "interpreting" the consititution as, and read it for the black and white it is. Quit making up laws, read the damn thing and interpret it as such. - Star Tracks: Michael posts thanks - Star Tracks: Michael posts thanks
Bad Google Ad placement? (No photoshopping here!) [Seriously]
Bad Google Ad placement? (No photoshopping here!) [Seriously]
Mini-ITX Weather Radar Display Project for NWS NEXRAD Doppler Radar
Mini-ITX Weather Radar Display Project for NWS NEXRAD Doppler Radar
Category: Case-Mods
Guy took a Weather Radar and made it into a computer case (or something like that.)
Category: Case-Mods
Guy took a Weather Radar and made it into a computer case (or something like that.) > News > Nation -- Ten Commandments, 2 rulings > News > Nation -- Ten Commandments, 2 rulings
I think Clarence Thomas said it best. They should throw out what they have been "interpreting" the consititution as, and read it for the black and white it is. Quit making up laws, read the damn thing and interpret it as such.
I think Clarence Thomas said it best. They should throw out what they have been "interpreting" the consititution as, and read it for the black and white it is. Quit making up laws, read the damn thing and interpret it as such. - Star Tracks: Michael posts thanks - Star Tracks: Michael posts thanks
Bad Google Ad placement? (No photoshopping here!) [Seriously]
Bad Google Ad placement? (No photoshopping here!) [Seriously]
Wednesday, June 22
Combat Action Badge Design
Combat Action Badge Design
New Badge for you military types. I think it's cool that they give the badge, problem is, everyone is going to have one.
New Badge for you military types. I think it's cool that they give the badge, problem is, everyone is going to have one.
Combat Action Badge Design
Combat Action Badge Design
New Badge for you military types. I think it's cool that they give the badge, problem is, everyone is going to have one.
New Badge for you military types. I think it's cool that they give the badge, problem is, everyone is going to have one.
My thanks
My thanks to all of you. Today the blog will cross the 10,000 hits/month barrier.
Also, as of late last night, I had 3x as many readers this month as last month. Surprisingly enough, I have a ton of hits on this. Which is just some piece of crap CRX I was making fun of... I probably get 200 hits a day on that damn picture. That's funny.
My Thanks again.
Also, as of late last night, I had 3x as many readers this month as last month. Surprisingly enough, I have a ton of hits on this. Which is just some piece of crap CRX I was making fun of... I probably get 200 hits a day on that damn picture. That's funny.
My Thanks again.
Good Morning Silicon Valley: An interview with Linus Torvalds
Good Morning Silicon Valley: An interview with Linus Torvalds
An interesting interview with the inventor of the Linux Kernel. Check it out.
An interesting interview with the inventor of the Linux Kernel. Check it out.
Russian Space Agency: Solar Sail Launch Failed
Russian Space Agency: Solar Sail Launch Failed
Russia seems to be batting 1000 when it comes to launching space craft. I don't think I'd go up in a Russian Spacecraft for sh*t.
Russia seems to be batting 1000 when it comes to launching space craft. I don't think I'd go up in a Russian Spacecraft for sh*t.
My thanks
My thanks to all of you. Today the blog will cross the 10,000 hits/month barrier.
Also, as of late last night, I had 3x as many readers this month as last month. Surprisingly enough, I have a ton of hits on this. Which is just some piece of crap CRX I was making fun of... I probably get 200 hits a day on that damn picture. That's funny.
My Thanks again.
Also, as of late last night, I had 3x as many readers this month as last month. Surprisingly enough, I have a ton of hits on this. Which is just some piece of crap CRX I was making fun of... I probably get 200 hits a day on that damn picture. That's funny.
My Thanks again.
Good Morning Silicon Valley: An interview with Linus Torvalds
Good Morning Silicon Valley: An interview with Linus Torvalds
An interesting interview with the inventor of the Linux Kernel. Check it out.
An interesting interview with the inventor of the Linux Kernel. Check it out.
Russian Space Agency: Solar Sail Launch Failed
Russian Space Agency: Solar Sail Launch Failed
Russia seems to be batting 1000 when it comes to launching space craft. I don't think I'd go up in a Russian Spacecraft for sh*t.
Russia seems to be batting 1000 when it comes to launching space craft. I don't think I'd go up in a Russian Spacecraft for sh*t.
Tuesday, June 21 Scoop! Smile for the Google 3D mapping truck Scoop! Smile for the Google 3D mapping truck
This may be pretty cool. Looking for an address? Don't know if it's on the right or left hand side of the road? Oh, well, let's lookup what the building looks like. Eventually we'll all have access to the military spy satellites so we can see if our dog is outside or inside. Hell, we might even have access to the infared too, so we can see if we left the coffee pot on or not!
This may be pretty cool. Looking for an address? Don't know if it's on the right or left hand side of the road? Oh, well, let's lookup what the building looks like. Eventually we'll all have access to the military spy satellites so we can see if our dog is outside or inside. Hell, we might even have access to the infared too, so we can see if we left the coffee pot on or not!
MSN Adds Local Search
MSN Adds Local Search
Uh oh.. MSN Local Search.. oh oh !!
oh wait. Google's had it for a year plus.. nevermind. MSN you suck.
Uh oh.. MSN Local Search.. oh oh !!
oh wait. Google's had it for a year plus.. nevermind. MSN you suck.
Colorado Technical University Unveils Bachelor of Computer Networking and Security
Colorado Technical University Unveils Bachelor of Computer Networking and Security
That's pretty cool, I may have to look into this.
That's pretty cool, I may have to look into this. Scoop! Smile for the Google 3D mapping truck Scoop! Smile for the Google 3D mapping truck
This may be pretty cool. Looking for an address? Don't know if it's on the right or left hand side of the road? Oh, well, let's lookup what the building looks like. Eventually we'll all have access to the military spy satellites so we can see if our dog is outside or inside. Hell, we might even have access to the infared too, so we can see if we left the coffee pot on or not!
This may be pretty cool. Looking for an address? Don't know if it's on the right or left hand side of the road? Oh, well, let's lookup what the building looks like. Eventually we'll all have access to the military spy satellites so we can see if our dog is outside or inside. Hell, we might even have access to the infared too, so we can see if we left the coffee pot on or not!
MSN Adds Local Search
MSN Adds Local Search
Uh oh.. MSN Local Search.. oh oh !!
oh wait. Google's had it for a year plus.. nevermind. MSN you suck.
Uh oh.. MSN Local Search.. oh oh !!
oh wait. Google's had it for a year plus.. nevermind. MSN you suck.
Colorado Technical University Unveils Bachelor of Computer Networking and Security
Colorado Technical University Unveils Bachelor of Computer Networking and Security
That's pretty cool, I may have to look into this.
That's pretty cool, I may have to look into this.
Monday, June 20
Security Awareness for Ma, Pa and the Corporate Clueless: Summer Computer Tips
Security Awareness for Ma, Pa and the Corporate Clueless: Summer Computer Tips
Or, y ou can buy a mac, and not have to deal with the problems of antivirus, spyware and the like...
Or, y ou can buy a mac, and not have to deal with the problems of antivirus, spyware and the like...
Security Awareness for Ma, Pa and the Corporate Clueless: Summer Computer Tips
Security Awareness for Ma, Pa and the Corporate Clueless: Summer Computer Tips
Or, y ou can buy a mac, and not have to deal with the problems of antivirus, spyware and the like...
Or, y ou can buy a mac, and not have to deal with the problems of antivirus, spyware and the like...
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Without going off the deep-end here and discussing every single Snort rule keyword, I just wanted to touch on a few modifiers that people so...
Let me start off by saying I'm not bashing the writer of this article, and I'm trying not to be super critical. I don't want to...
Let's say you're like me, an avid Omnifocus user, but you've been hearing great things about Reminders on MacOS/iOS/iPadOS, and ...