
Wednesday, March 17

Hey Microsoft, Don't F*ck Up Windows Phone 7

Hey Microsoft, Don't F*ck Up Windows Phone 7 - Windows phone 7 - Gizmodo.

A funny post over on Gizmodo detailing how, apparently, Microsoft has put out a couple changes to Windows Phone Mobile 7. (What is it with Microsoft and the number 7 all of the sudden?  Unified messaging?)

Apparently Microsoft is going to do two things wrong..

  1. No multitasking

  2. No Copy and Paste

As for Multitasking, the iPhone doesn't have it "ish".  (Mail and various other "Apple only" apps can run in the background).   However, the rumor is that iPhone 4.0 will have multitasking.  So Microsoft, instead of trying to get ahead of the curve, you are going to be at least 3 years behind in copying Apple?  Seriously?  Way to step up the innovation there guys.

Copy and Paste..  Well, the iPhone didn't have it until iPhone 3.0, and a shitton of people bought iPhones too.  Not that many will buy Windows Mobile 7 devices, but still...

How can you not put copy and paste in it, when (as the author of the Gizmodo article says) the phone you are trying to compete with (the iPhone) already has it!?

Steller Microsoft, way to win.  Whatever, I wouldn't buy it anyway.


Rick Nyman said...

You forgot to mention lack of SD card support, which I heard mentioned. Because of that I've decided to go Android with an Evo this summer and maybe look at WP7 in 2011/2012.

Rick Nyman said...

You forgot to mention lack of SD card support, which I heard mentioned. Because of that I've decided to go Android with an Evo this summer and maybe look at WP7 in 2011/2012.

Rick Nyman said...

You forgot to mention lack of SD card support, which I heard mentioned. Because of that I've decided to go Android with an Evo this summer and maybe look at WP7 in 2011/2012.