
Wednesday, June 1 - Ex-FBI No. 2 was 'Deep Throat' - Jun 1, 2005 - Ex-FBI No. 2 was 'Deep Throat' - Jun 1, 2005

DEEP THROAT!! He's been identified. Finally, at the age of 91! I've been waiting for this my whole life!! Deep Throat!! Deep.. Throat...

(pun intended)


gti18t said...

Sure... he reveals himself now at 91 YOA. No- No way - NOT. It's his leech of a daughter and Grandson blowing his cover now... they prolly need the book deal and prime-time interview money before the old man keels over. Hello?

gti18t said...

Sure... he reveals himself now at 91 YOA. No- No way - NOT. It's his leech of a daughter and Grandson blowing his cover now... they prolly need the book deal and prime-time interview money before the old man keels over. Hello?