
Friday, April 22

Random Thoughts from Joel's World

Wondering why this website is so slow?

Well, first off, I get about 150-200 hits a day.

The machine is running Fedora Core 3, with a Kernel version of 2.6.9-1.667.

233 Mghz Pentium ][ machine with a 512KB Cache. 94 Mgs of RAM, Hard drive is pre-5200 RPM days, 4 Gigs of space, and it's 83% full. The CPU runs at about 1 % constantly (that's high btw..)

This whole webpage, a Mysql database, and a Snort IDS runs on this machine. So hey. Give it a break!!


Michael said...

Hey, just came across you blog. Nice job. Keep up the great blogging.

Michael said...

Hey, just came across you blog. Nice job. Keep up the great blogging.

Michael said...

Hey, just came across you blog. Nice job. Keep up the great blogging.