Joel Esler. This is my blog.
Gratz!Welcom Paul!
Congrats Joel
Hey Joel! Not sure if you remember me but its Lauren Downs! Congratulations on little baby Paul. He's very handsome. I had my son on the 31st of August, Keegan. Take care of yourself and Paul!
Lauren,Yes! I remember! How are you?Thank you, Paul is quite awesome and growing well. Thanks. Congrats onyours.
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Welcom Paul!
Congrats Joel
Hey Joel! Not sure if you remember me but its Lauren Downs! Congratulations on little baby Paul. He's very handsome. I had my son on the 31st of August, Keegan. Take care of yourself and Paul!
Yes! I remember! How are you?
Thank you, Paul is quite awesome and growing well. Thanks. Congrats on
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